The Call

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My name is Kristy Shishido, and well I bet all kids with Asian parents can agree that they do some stuff unlike other parents. For example, this morning when I was just chilling and told my mom I finished all my homework, she still asked if I finished it. All parents in one form or another will keep asking you if you finished your homework, whether it is "Did you finish your homework yet missy?", or "Homie, did ya holler at ya homework yet?"
Anyway, the other day we got a call from our family in China while my little sister Pora and my dad were still at school/office. By the way, my mom hates her mother-in-law, and loves her father-in-law, because he has all the money. Also, since they almost never call us from China, mom thought somebody died.
"Oh! I am so sorry for your loss! We will come over right away for yuèmǔ's [mother-in-law in Chinese] funeral!" mom immediately said as she picked up her phone. As you can tell, that couldn't have gone very well. "Shénme? is that you Kimi [my mom's name] ?" we heard a voice say from the other side. It was dad's sister, Gūmā (The Chinese word for aunt) Huan.
I rushed to the phone. "Gūmā Huan! Sorry that was my piano teacher's cousin! She came over to get sugar and realized she didn't have a phone and was expecting a call! She thought it was her family from Taiwan!"
I know you're thinking I am the freakin' worst liar in the world, but I did it to save my moms neck.
"Sǎozi! [Sister-in-law] I didn't even realize it was you! Your voice sounds so young nowadays! So how is the family?"mom grabbed the phone back with a grunt.
Soon after she passed me a sticky note saying: "GO 2 UR ROOM IMMEDI8LY". Yes my mom texts and now thanks to me (Ha.Ha.) mom uses text language all the time. I passed her a reply saying "Ok mom" when what I really wanted to say was "OH SHUSH YOU UNGRATEFUL MOTHER OF MY SISTER!" But I kept calm and went to my room to watch the next episode of Once Upon A Time on my iPad mini that I got for my 14th birthday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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