Could Kiss You

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It was only 10 a.m., but Olivia was already exhausted. Her squad had been working a case since yesterday morning, and she was running on only half an hour's sleep. She couldn't rest when a child was missing. She was currently combing through a suspect's background, but the letters were starting to blur together on the screen.

"How's it going?" Rafael said, appearing in the doorway and holding out a very large cup of coffee.

Her tired eyes widened at the very welcome caffeine boost, and she jumped from her desk chair, meeting him at the door to snag the cup from his hands. She took a gulp, ignoring the too-hot temperature of the liquid.

Olivia swallowed and smiled at him. "Rafa, I could kiss you right now."

He grinned, relishing in the look he'd put on her face. "Dinner first, Lieutenant," he teased. "I like to be wooed."

"A few suggestive comments won't do it for you?"

"I'm no cheap date."

"Well, I'll have to bring you the expensive coffee sometime this week."

Rafael raised his eyebrows. "So you do want to woo me?"

Olivia winked. "You know it."

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