Tour Guide

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I was walking down the sidewalk, my notebook in hand and headphones on blasting some song I dont remember the name of. The warm air surrounded me, giving the atmosphere a sunny feeling. My phone buzzed in my pocket, i flipped ot open and read the text from Peter. "Off work soon, you at the house?" I was most definitely not at the house. I had been walking around for hours not sure where i was going. Mostly just thinking, but after about an hour of thinking about what happened my brain began to hurt. So i thought of everything but what was going on in my life. I stopped at the park to write for a while, and now i was craving something to drink. I closed my phone without anwsering and rounded the corner. I spotted a small cafe down the street and headed for it. When i got closer, i saw "Cleo's" written in big letters on the front. I walked in and was instantly greeted with cool air, and loud noises. I ordered a small Strawberry Smoothie and took a seat in the back of the room. I was sitting peacefully when my phone beeped again. I sighed and reached into my pocket. I assumed it was Peter, but felt shocked and surprised when Ally's name flashed on my screen. I opened my phone and almost squeaked with excitement when her voice rang into my ear.


"Ally!" I knew i had to stay quiet for other people's sake, but couldn't help almost yelling her name.

"How are you?! Are you having an amazing time?! I bet you are!" I had to cut her rambling before she got to far. The girl could really talk.

"It's so cool here Ally! Im having an awesome time. But i miss you."

"I miss you too girl! New York must be pretty awesome, and i bet its cool getting to be with your brother." I blushed as she spoke.

"W-what do you mean?" She gave a small chuckle.

"Well aren't you and Peter like super close?"

"Oh ya! We are close." My blush deepened as i thought about it.

"Your lucky, i wish i had a sibling i was close to. All i have is my annoying Sister. And she is eight, and im pretty sure part demon." I laughed at her craziness. She then went on about some guy she met and how she was gonna "totally marry him". That was when i noticed a guy sitting across the room watching me. He had longish blond hair and nice tanned skin. He would be Ally's dream guy. I was a little creeped out untill he smiled at me, and i saw his beautiful features even more. I had to admit the guy was pretty cute. I was snapped out of my thoughts when i heard Ally yell my name. "SAGE!" I gasped and looked down at the table.

"Huh? What?"

"Have you been listening to a word i said" She snapped.

"Y-yes" I said trying to sound believable.

"Mmhmm, then what did i just say?" She asked.

"Y-you liked some guy?" I said more as a question.

"Since you are obviously to distracted to talk i will just call you later." I was about to protest, but she already hung up. I sighed and put my phone in my pocket, picked up my stuff and headed for the door. Before i could make it a figure stepped in front of me blocking my way. I looksd up and saw the blond guy from before.

"Excuse me." I said, but he didn't move. Just smiled at me.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing here by yourself?" I scoffed, he was hitting on me. Great.

"Excuse me" i repeated. "That is none of your business, so if you dont move out of my way i will introduce my knee to your private parts." I knew it was a little extreme, but i was not in the mood to be messed with. His smile only grew bigger.

"Feisty, i like it." I scoffed and crossed my arms. "I've never seen you around here before." He said and looked me up and down. "You new to this area or something?"

"How do you know you have just never noticed me before?" I asked, playing along with his game.

"Trust me i would have remembered a girl as gorgeous as you" i couldn't help the slight blush that crept onto my cheeks when he complimented me.

"Well your right. Im not from here, im staying with my brother for the summer."

"And why aren't you with your brother now?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"He is at work, i took a walk and ended up here." He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"I have an idea. Since you dont know your way around and i want to spend more time with your beautiful self, i will be your tour guide." I pulled my hand awau but kept smiling at him.

"A tour guide huh?"

"Yes" he spoke and nodded his head.

"Okay... but you should know. Im not gonna go out with you." He sighed.

"Boyfriend back home?" I shook my head, but didn't quite know what to say.

"Things are... complicated"

"Complicated is my favorite type of situation." I laughed as he looked at me seriously. "So... need a tour guide darling?" I thought for a moment, and looked into his blue eyes. I was about to anwser when my phone went off. I looked down and saw Peter calling me.

"S-sorry i gotta take this." I walked out the door, but before it closed he grabbed my hand and pulled me back a little bit.

"But what about my offer?" I pulled my hand away as he took a step towards me.

"I...I..." my phone kept ringing as i stared into his eyes. "I will come back tomorrow" I said before turning and walking away.

"Wait!" He shouted. "What's your name?" I turned and smiled at him

"Sage" i called back to him.

"Well Sage im Drew" I turned back around amd kept walking. I heard him say a soft " See you tomorrow Darling" before i opened my phone and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I said as i kept walking.

"Hi Sage, i just got off work. Where you at?" Peter asked.

"Well" i mumbled "I dont know."

Hellooooooo! Sorry i haven't updated in a while. With school amost being over i have had a lot of crazy stuff goinf on. But now its almost summer so i will have more time to update. Thank everyone so much for all the votes and comments. Its means the world to see people read my story even though i haven't been very good with the updates. But I promise to try to be better.

So this was mostly a filler chapter, but i have introduced a new character that is going to make several more appearances. I dont have very many characters, just Sage, Peter, a little bit of Ally and now Drew! And things are going to get a bit more complicated for everyone. But those are the best types of situations right? Not really. Anyway! i will update soon! Thanks for everything!

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