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Hi everyone! Thank you for reading ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
This is my first ever story so please bear with some inconsistencies ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ

I awoke again, only this time to a bottomless pit in my stomach, accompanied by angry growling. My face hurts. It's so swollen. My eyes burn and I get out of the tub and look in the dirty mirror. The unfamiliar green eyes are bloodshot and filled with empty pits of sadness. I inspect my self in the mirror again, only now I understand something is wrong. What happened? Where am I? "I'm so hungry..." the sound of clopping hooves draws me from my swirling thoughts, and I cautiously walk into the main room to peer out a window. There's a dusty road, and horses pulling carts with food and lumber. Further down the road, a city emerges, with cobblestone houses packed high, and haggling stand owners. Shit. I'm so hungry. Can I buy food? "Do I have any money?" There was a pouch attached to that cloak in the wardrobe, maybe it had money, I thought. I pull open the creaking doors, and upon further inspection, they seem to have incredibly intricate detail, like they were carved directly from a tree and handmade. "Wow... this is gorgeous." I grab the cloak and shove my hands into the pouch, and something cold surprises my hand. Inside the leather pouch, there's 12 bronze coins, and 3 silver coins. It's almost as if I live in a medieval town or something. "Pftt.. what's going on." Giggles escape from my throat. This is so weird. "Well, I guess I'll go try to find some food. I'm starving" my stomach growls in response, almost as if telling me it wants me to hurry up. I glance down to the dagger. Do I need it? "Why would I need a dagger? I just want to get some food" I quickly grace the cloak and slide my arms through the sleeves. "I hope I have more money... I don't know if this is enough? How much are these stupid coins worth anyways?" I glance down at the dagger one more time, and leave. As I cross the unfamiliar room, a sinking feeling settles in my stomach. As I open the door and walk through the grass to the dusty road, all I can think about is the dagger. I should have grabbed it.

The house I woke up in seems to be on its own little set of land. It looks cute from the outside, there's a garden patch on the side full of food ready to be harvested, and the trees surrounding it provide plenty of shade. It almost looks like a little paradise, however the inside is so much an opposite. It's soulless compared to the outside. Whatever, I think as I slowly walk to the dusty road. There's no pavement, only dirty, and strong horses walkthrough the street with wooden carts attached to the saddles. As I glance further up the road, the small town appears in my sight, and I fix my gaze on it. My feed pick up speed, and carry me swiftly towards the city.
"Watch it!"
My head swivels to the direction of the noise, only to find a giant horse barreling towards where it standing. Oh my god. Am I going to die again?
"Get out of the way, girl!" The man on the horse yells.
At the last second, my brain forces me to flog myself to the side, just barely avoiding being crushed. Something smells horrible. Like... poop? As I slowly sit up a look to my right, only to find a huge lump of horse poop. "Ew!" I yip as I scramble back.
"Hmph! Serves you right, girl. Why weren't you paying attention while walking? You might have hurt my horse. Then I wouldn't be able to sell my goods." The man on the horse, which almost killed me, glared down. 
"You people are so clueless." He called down as his horse trotted forward. Slowly, I rose to my feet, while looking around. My altercation drew attention. Everyone was staring at me. Heat rose to my cheeks, and tears stung my eyes. I have no clue what's going on. Where am I? At least I didn't land in a pile of old rotting poop. I scurry forward in hopes to escape all the onlookers stares. They're  making of me. Laughing at me. I'm so stupid. A knot forms in my throat, and i can barely breath. Somehow, my feet carry me towards the town, in hopes that I'll finally find something to eat. As I enter the town, smells slam into my face. Sweet warm bread, savory and flavorful chicken, baked pies, and other delicious smells almost make me faint. Im so much more hungry than I thought. The winding road leads to an open market, full of colorful stalls, with the faces of joyful children running around while there parents scold them. It was such a beautiful scene..s
"Red head! Come here!"
I think nothing of the yell, but then I remember my strange appearance, and glance the direction of the call.
"Yes you! Come here!"
Should I go? Who's calling?

That's the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed. I'm not to sure how to write cliff hangers, but this was my poor attempt! ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Thanks for reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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