Needing You

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Senior year + new school = disaster. I sighed as I pulled into the parking lot. I was pretty early, hoping I could get my schedule and figure out where I was going before class so I didn't look completely helpless. I took a deep breath to gather myself before getting out of my car. I threw my bag over my shoulder and headed to the building marked 'Office.'

"Good morning! How may I assist you?"

I sorta half smiled,

"I'm new."

The lady nodded and started shuffling through papers on her desk.


"Thomas Ratliff."

She pulled out a couple pieces of paper and handed them to me. She stood up and walked to the back room behind her desk. Was that it? Was I supposed to leave? I was about to walk away when she came back out with textbooks in hand.

"Here you go Mr. Ratliff. Your locker number and locker combination are on your schedule."

I nodded, "Thank you."

She pointed to a door and gave me directions to the senior lockers. I walked out and found myself in a mostly empty hall. Luckily the few people hanging around didn't give a shit about me.

I successfully found and opened my locker on the first try. I looked at my new schedule and tried to figure out where I'd be going.

My first class was a cinch to find because it was near my locker. I went searching for the next class but stopped short as I passed a music room. I swear I heard someone singing. I carefully opened the door and peeked in.

"All around me are familiar faces, worn out faces, worn out faces."

That voice was beautiful.

I stepped into the room and carefully shut the door behind me. I walked further into the room and finally found a face to put with that voice. He was stunning. Raven black hair, kohl lined eyes, tall, and muscular but not overly so. I couldn't see his eyes. He was sitting on a stool in the middle of the room facing me but his eyes were shut. He kept singing for a moment before opening his eyes. He had gorgeous eyes, they were bright blue and stood out perfectly against his dark hair. Our eyes locked and I couldn't look away. I didn't want to.

"Um, hello?"

Smooth Tommy.

The guy smiled, he fucking smiled and blew me away yet again.


I bit the bottom of my lip an started chewing on it,

"I didn't mean to interrupt you. You have a beautiful voice."

He actually blushed not something you see a lot with someone who has dark hair but he did have pretty light skin so who knows. He smirked,

"Flattery will get you everywhere."

I chuckled,

"I'll definitely keep that in mind. I'm Tommy Joe Ratliff."

He stood up and I realized how much taller than me he really was. He shook my outstretched hand,

"Nice to meet you. Adam Lambert."

Adam. I like that.

The first bell rang,


Adam chuckled,

"You okay?"

I nodded, " I wanted to find all my classes before school started so I didn't look like a totally loser but your awesome voice distracted me!"

He smiled,

"Well how bout I show you around?"

My stomach fluttered. So soon?

"I'd like that."

Needing YouWhere stories live. Discover now