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"Give me your schedule."

I handed it over to Adam and waited patiently as he read through it. A small smile spread across his lips. He looked up at me as he handed back my schedule,

"We have all but one class together today."

I beamed, I was already making a new friend. Of course it was only because he had a fucking amazing voice and was hot as could be.

"Which class don't we have together?"


I made a face and he laughed,

"We'll aren't you adorable."

I blushed but smirked back at him,

"Yes I am as a matter of fact."

His smile grew and he put his arm around my shoulder,

"I think we'll be great friends."

I melted into his side, I'm a cuddle slut. Don't judge. He really seemed to like that because he tightened his arm.

"I hope you don't mind, I'm a pretty affectionate person."

I smiled, "Cuddling will get you everywhere."

He chuckled and we walked out of the room, his arm still around my shoulders. I even let my arm snake around his waist.

We didn't see many people at first but as soon as a big group walked by he pulled his arm off my shoulder and moved about a foot away. I looked at him curiously and saw his face was different now. All the emotion I saw before was gone, his face was too carefully blank. His shoulders stiffened and I looked ahead.

I saw a group of what looked like jocks. Adam sped up and I had to almost jog to keep up with him.

"Where you going fag?"

I looked up and shot a glare at the assholes.

"Oh, he got a boyfriend."

Adam's face was still carefully blank but I saw the pain and fear in his eyes.

"Fuck off assholes."

I grabbed Adam's hand and started to pull him away.

One of them grabbed my arm and I jerked it away but before I could say anything Adam had the guy by the front of the shirt and up against a locker.

"Don't ever fucking touch him again." His voice was more of a growl, I could do nothing but stand there in shock. "You wanna fuck with someone? Then do it to me, but don't lay a finger on him ever again."

He pushed the guy away by his shirt. The guy was more shocked then me, obviously that was the first time Adam had ever fought back and the group quickly realized he was bigger than all of them. The guy stumbled a few feet before bolting.

Adam turned to the rest of the group, "Anyone else?"

Their eyes all got big before they chased after their leader.

I looked at Adam, jaw on the floor. He may be bigger than the rest of them but he doesn't look like a violent guy and I was new! He barely knows me and he just stood up for me.

He had his eyes shut now and he was taking deep breaths. I slowly walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you." My voice nothing more than a whisper.

His opened his eyes and I saw a mix of pain, fear, anger, and now, concern.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded. "That wasn't the first time they've picked on you, was it?"

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