Together? Not yet.

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The rest of the morning was pretty uneventful. I enjoyed all my classes with Adam and was shocked to feel at a loss without him in my math class. It has to be too soon to be feeling like that. I tried to shake it off and pay attention to my very boring teacher but it was impossible. My mind kept wandering to Adam and what had happened earlier. Those guys were obviously shocked at his reaction but why? Had he never stood up for himself before? I hated to think that they had been bullying him for so long that he just gave up.

"Mr. Ratliff?"

I shook my head a little to clear out the fog from thinking of Adam.


I tried to be polite but was slightly annoyed I had been pulled out of my own thoughts.

"I know you're new here but that doesn't give you an excuse to not pay attention."

I tried not to roll my eyes and apparently failed. The teacher walked up to me and stood right in front of my desk.

"Want to do that again you little fag?"

He sneered under his breath. My jaw dropped, leaving my mouth gaping open. I stood up and looked him right in the eye.

"Who the hell do you think you are? I could report you to the office."

He took a step back, for a brief second I believed he was going to take me at my word, but I was dead wrong. This time when he spoke he was loud and clear,

"And what are you going to tell them Mr. Ratliff? That a teacher called a deserving little shit a fag?"

His smirk went from concieted to out right evil.

"I really doubt anyone will believe you over me, especially when all these witnesses," he gestured around the room and I looked to see every person in the class looking at me with disgust in their eyes, "I mean, not a single one of them heard me call you a dirty little fag. Right class?"

No one said anything, just smirked. I was appaled. I thought this place was going to be better than my last school but it was worse. No wonder Adam was so guarded. This was straight up abuse.

There was no way in hell I was going to back down,

"You're right sir."

He smirked one last time and turned to walk away,


he stopped and turned back to me,

"I'm not just any old deserving little shit, I'm Tommy Joe Ratliff."

I walked up up to him so we were face to face, or really face to chin, he was a big guy.

"If you think I'm gonna let you be a homophobic ass think again. I'm not afraid of people like you. Been there done that. Waiting for me to give a fuck then you better get in line because it's gonna be a long wait."

I picked up my bag and headed toward the door. I glanced back as I walked out the door and now his jaw was sitting on the floor. Apparently I was the first guy to stand up to him like that. Good; asshole needed to be taught a lesson.

This is going to be one hell of a year.

I went and sat by my loker until the bell rang. I went in search for Adam and found him easily.

Without thinking twice I walked up to him and tried to crawl into his chest. He looked suprised but did not question it. He wrapped his arms tightly around me. As soon as more people started walking through the halls he pulled me into the bathroom and locked the door behind him without breaking the contact.

I had tears in my eyes. Just becuase I could stand up for myself doesn't mean the words didn't still hurt. I was just so shocked. No one even knew me here yet and I was already being gay-bashed.

Adam sank down onto the floor pulling me with him. I was cuddled into his chest, sitting between his legs, his arms wrapped tightly around me, as he stroked my hair.

"What happened Tommy?"

I took a deep breath and tried to wipe away the few rogue tears without him seeing.

"Well, the math teacher is a fucking homophobe."

He sighed, "I'm sorry, I should have warned you. I didn't think he would bother you."

I looked up at him,

"Has he bothered you?"

He shrugged,

"It's nothing I can't handle."

I raised my eyebrow skeptically,

"Really? Because when I stood up to him he looked like I was a ghost or something."

Adam bit his lower lip,

"Look it doesn't matter. I don't want to talk about it."

I turned so I was facing him still between his legs,

"But it does matter, Adam. No one deserves to go through that."

He looked at me and I saw his carefully built wall start to crack a little.

"He just says things under his breath when he comes by me. It's not really a big deal."

I put my hands on both sides of his face,

"It is a big deal, and I hope someday soon you trust me enough to talk about it."

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