Chapter Three

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I shifted in my seat thinking to myself. Should I do it? It could really help him? But how do I ease him into it? I don't want to scare him.

My mind was buzzing with thoughts as I stared at my phone. I grabbed the remote and turned on Bluey to see if he would say anything.

I watched as his demeanor shift. It was calmer as he watched the show. I swore I saw a hint of a smile on his face something I never saw.

His clenched fists slowly relaxed and he slightly moved along to the opening song. I looked down at his old and tattered shoes frowning. "You can take your shoes off, sweetie." I hummed gesturing toward his feet.

I must of shocked him cause he jumped a bit his body twitching into itself. His feet pointed inward his hands gripped his sweater tightly as he looked over at me trying to pretend it was a normal twitch. "H-huh?"

"Your shoes, you can take them off," I repeated with a smile.

He frowned slightly shaking his head. "I'm okay right now th-thank you. My feet are c-cold," he mumbles looking down and biting his lip.

"I want to ask you something," I said gently. He looked up at me. "There's this therapy I want to try with you. You've never really had a mother figure or a childhood so you would get to be a little kid again and I would be your mommy. What do you think?" I explained.

He looked at me for a moment before nodding gently. "But this means you'll need to trust me and give me the control okay?" I told him switching my tone to a motherly one.


I looked up at Eve blushing hard hiding behind my bangs, biting my lip. "O-okay..." I whispered. I saw a warm smile wash over her face it was so kind and gentle I couldn't help but relax a bit.

"Now." she put her hands together smiling brightly before gently grabbing one of mine. "Since we got some food in your belly let's get your properly washed up." she said leading me to big bathroom that had a big bathtub.

"You sit here I'll get some clothes, toys, and a towel while the water runs okay baby boy?" Eve said gently rubbing my cheek her voice still motherly.

I nodded again. But before I was able to ask questions she was gone once again. I sat on the toilet seat watching the tub fill with bubbles as I hummed the bluey song.

Eve walked back in smiling and it was at the perfect time to turn the water off. The tub was now full of bubbles and toys. I felt so excited to play in the bath it was weird but I didn't really care.

"Alright arms to the sky~" she sang I reached my arms up without thinking and before I could put them back down my sweater was off and I was shirtless.

My heart started to pound as tears pooled up in my eyes.


I looked at Ace's body. It had a recent stab wound that was infected. "Ace baby why didn't you tell anybody!" I yelled in worry causing him to twitch and cry more.

"I w-was in b-b-basement." he stuttered out.

"I need to clean this now," I said opening my cabinets and grabbing my first-aid kit.

Ace was whimpering and whining. "We'll have to do it after your bath though," I told him which seemed to calm him a little. "Now let's get you in the bath." I smiled walking over to the smaller boy.

I watched him blush like mad as I helped him take his pants off before helping him into the bath.


After the bath, I never felt so clean but I dreaded what Eve was going to have to do. "Here lay down on the towel." she hummed.

I did as I was told chewing on my fingers nervously. Eve must have noticed this cause she turned on music for us to listen to. I was so lost in the music it took a moment for me to register what she was putting around my waist. I snapped back to reality to see that she put me in a nappy? "Eve?" I squeaked out in confusion as a pair a super soft pants were put on my legs.

"Yes, sweets?" she hummed.

"Why nappy?" I whispered as if the world was listening in on us.

"Just in case." she winked at me before helping me to sit up.

She slowly and carefully cleaned the stab wound even through my cries and screams. I tried to hold them back but the pain was bad.

She stitched me up before wrapping the wound. I was so tired and hot from crying. I learned she wanted me to call her mommy during the ordeal which I don't mind at all.

I was letting out shaky breaths. "Mommy..." I mumble sleepily.

"Yes baby?"

"I go sleep now..." I said leaning on her before falling asleep out of exhaustion.

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