Dam fates

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Nico POV

Nico sighed as he closed the door behind him. Charity Burbage may she rest in peace. It was an honestly disgusting scene and reminded Nico of the food he had to resort to in Tarturus and the food that Voldemort gave memory Nico.

He got so sick that he had to spend a good 20 minutes vomiting what little food he had consumed previously. He then proceeded to brush his teeth and flop down on his bed in a very unsophisticated manner, one not fit for a Slytherin heir, one the his father so happened to see.

As soon as Nico noticed his father along with the crazed Lestrange he stood up, head down.

Tom and Bellatrix glanced at each other before nodding at each other in what they thought to be subtle, which they were not. Bellatrix went behind Nico and cuffed his hands and made him kneel on the ground while holding a wand to his neck. What a lovely motherly act.

His father than pointed his wand at him. Nico flinched a little and asked his so called father "May I know as to what are you doing?"
"Well you see Nico, I found out about a book that a former deceased Death Eater wrote. You see in this book he wrote that I turned you into one of my horcruxes and I am sure you know what they are. I was reminded of the fact that was the plan as soon as I got rid of the Potters, but as you know I was a bit preoccupied. But now that I have a chance there is no harm in doing it."

"What?! Father please don't. Please Father, you'll destroy your soul and I will have to die. This everything against my very being, I am a necromancer, this will kill me. It's not human, Please No, Father, No Please No, No, N-"

While Nico was soaking the information in he made a little slip up in his mental barriers, that he let his mind barriers slip. Of his thoughts of Will and not leaving him alone. It was only for a moment but that was all it took for Tom. (Only will not the whole time and quest thing)

"You- You were dating a muggle, a MUGGLE?"
"What that filth?! How dare you" Bellatrix said pulling Nico's hair and instantly crucioed him ignoring the screams from the tortured boy.

"Enough Bella. He needs to be in a good condition for this. Because you got away from me for just a few years, you fancied a muggle, what was his name? Ah yes Will Solace, Let's find him shall we seeing as your so eager to get back to him."

"Please no. He- he doesn't know anything. He's innocent, please don't, I'll do anything, please no I promise I won't see him ever again, I promise-"
"You promise your magic?"
"Yes, I promise on my magic that as long as your alive and your reign stands I will never see him again. Please believe me I-"
"I see, you have my word of not harming the filth. Now then time for you to turn to a Horcrux, let's get started shall we." Nico was cut off by Voldemort raising his wand at Nico, who was struggling to get free from Bellatrix while pleading with his father, and Voldemort said the cursed words

' anima rip ad immortalitatem '


Nico woke up in his bed drowsy and dizzy. He bolted up as soon as he remembered what had occurred. It was like a nightmare, he wished it were a nightmare, but it wasn't.

He could feel the soul inside him. It made him sick. It was like something was ripping his skin apart from within and there was nothing Nico could do about it. It was like the crucio, but never ending.

Nico let out a cry of pain and closed his tear filled eyes and gave in to sleep, only to be plagued by those infernal dreams of Tarturus, causing him to bolt up again.

Nico sighed and let his back rest against the head board and sighed. Will this torture ever stop? The pain from the horcrux within him, Tarturus which he can't seem to move on from, this whole dam quest? the constant torture from his so called parents? When could he finally go back to Will, Reyna and Jason, the only people who ever seem to care about him for reasons unknown, when could he leave this behind? When could he finally rest ?

Nico Di Angelo son of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now