Pop bottles

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And I also just wanted to say that in this "book, i'm not going to follow much of the actual storyline. I'm kind of just gonna branch off and come up with my own stuff. It's going to be the same people in the same places, but you know we're not gonna be looking for gold too much.😭


Me and Kiara started walking up the street on our way to our local convenience store.

Thankfully, Kiara was born into an extremely wealthy home.

See Kiara was born on figure 8, and you might be thinking oh wow, why is she hanging out with us if she lives in some big gorgeous house with a loving family? Well I don't even have an anwser for that.

So she can practically buy us anything that we want. Sweet

As soon as I walk into the store, the coldness from the ACs hit us like a brick.

We both sigh from relief, because we just escaped the horrid heat.

We were walking through the isles just to see what there was, and we could just hear some people talking at the back, and we knew exactly who they were.

Topper, Kelce , and Rafe

The Terrorizer's of the town.

We try to always ignore them, so I turned to Kiara and asked her if she had any pair of change clothes in her bag.

She said yes, thankfully, and gave me her bag and I rushed to the bathroom before I was noticed by The Kooks.

I just wanted to change out of those tight hot jeans before we leave this cold convenience store.

I walked out of the bathroom with a pair of small ripped shorts and just a little tank top with my hair let down from the braid, but still wet from when we went swimming.

I was trying to fix my necklace at the end of aisle six, telling Kiara I wanted Twix instead of the Kitcat and wasn't really paying attention and then I hear someone come up beside me and grab my hand.

"You want help with that" I heard a deep voice come up.

"Uhm,.. no it's okay but thank you" I say a little uncomfortable.

I could feel eyes piercing into me from a far but from who?

Anyway, This guy here, is kelce Thompson.
His family is one of the richest and well-known in town.

I used to know him very well when I was younger, but as I became more closer with Kiara and john b and all of them, we kind of just split apart.

And because he was a major prick.

I used to have the biggest crush on him, but thank God that's past.

" it's seriously no problem Y/n, I can tell you're having trouble"

Then turn my back to him as I faced head on to Kiara getting a couple of pop bottles out of the fridge.

She gave me a look, and I gave her the look of uncertainty

"There you go"

I said with a half smile not knowing how to react or what to say.

I look past his shoulder a little bit, and see rafe, staring me and him down.


" you know everyone's coming down to the beach later tonight for a big party"

"You and key should both come"

"Oh yeah, maybe we'll think about it" key says coming up behind me.

"Good, I hope to see u there" he said with  a smirk.

We went to the cashier and paid for snacks.

As we were walking out, I wanted to make one last glance at the guys before we left.

But I made intense eye contact with rafe.

His eyes felt like they were looking into my soul.

As I looked over him a little more, I realized a couple things.

I could tell he started working out this summer because his body looked a lot fuller and bigger.

And he grew his hair out.

But I shook it off, and me and Kiara walked back to my house and chilled there for most of the day.

ALL MINE  // Rafe X readerWhere stories live. Discover now