Chapter 1

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Notes of the releaser of this story: This story is not mine but from an author called Whistler1234. The author pretty much deleted everything on her/his account and did not leave any traces behind..

I fixed some minor grammatical, stylistic, ect. errors that were in original.
To conclude, I wish you a good read.
Art cover by "gendou123" on deviantart
Art of chapter by "getitdonehuhu" on deviantart

**Bold text** -Kakashi's thoughts

**Author's Note:**

> I don't own the characters.

> I was intrigued by the idea of exchanging information in a challenging situation. It had never occurred to me to set it in a night club until I came across another Kakashi fic that I absolutely loved.

> Stick around for eventual lemons

Chapter 1

Kakashi knew it was serious. No one is ever summoned to the Hokage in the middle of the night to plan a bake sale but neither had he expected to hear such a sobering story about a missing shinobi. A nin who had reneged on an A-rank mission, who had sent her necklace back to the hokage with something concealed inside...

The pill was no larger than a pearl, it had an iridescent sparkle that drew and held the gaze. Sitting in his palm, the pill looked innocuous enough but he knew better than most that appearances could be deceptive.

The wrist band had been enough to get him entry. Again and again, that familiar iridescent sparkle drew his eye as he charted the course of its appearance and disappearance over the course of the evening. Pills emerged from pockets and wallets, dancing on the tip of fingers, rolling past lips. Even with his Sharingan concealed, he had witnessed at least a dozen transactions. If forced, he could identify three dealers who were pushing to punters, but there was only one person at the heart of distribution who really mattered.

Who are you then?

Standing on the balcony, the woman leaned forward and surveyed the crowd. Half her head was buzz-cut short, the other half pulled into a long, slick blonde plait, which finished above her waist. A tight, black dress cut low and short to reveal well-defined arms and legs, and a tiger tattoo inked over her heart.

Is she attractive? Yeah, kind of.

A man whispered in her ear urgently, but she sneered in response, cracking her knuckles, her face now cruel and hard. Unlike her, he was unremarkable except for a large ring in his filtrum which made him look like a bull. And despite her growing hostility he seemed to be standing his ground as the exchange became more and more heated.

Taking a deep sip of his drink, Kakashi closed his eyes, fighting the irritation of the contact which hid the Sharingan. The sunglasses in a night club were probably totally overkill but he felt too naked without the mask. There was only one last gulp before he should order another, he glanced up almost choking when it paid dividends.


He could barely reconcile the one he knew with the one he could see. For once, she wasn't swamped in an oversized trench coat or shooting her mouth off and brandishing a kunai at some poor, unsuspecting genin. And what the hell was she wearing -or not wearing- more to the point.

Did you think she was going to be grading papers and eating dango in a night club Hatake?

Quickly Kakashi ordered a drink for himself and another for her, the bar man gave him a conspiratorial wink before placing it in front of her. Anko rolled her eyes and laughed but she followed the direction of his hand anyway. Kakashi lifted his drink and pulled his sweater until the material thinned over the Anbu tattoo - she may not recognise him but she would understand that.

A Bad Time for Poor JudgementWhere stories live. Discover now