Chapter 7

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Neither of them barely had enough time to wolf down breakfast. Anko was eating on the go, as she hastily stuffed things into her bag, as they struggled to get out on time.

"Anko, have you seen my sweater?"

"This one," she asked, pulling the hem of her jumper down and out so it was taut over her breasts.

Give me a break already.

"Yeah, the one that looks like that."

"This is it," she said, brightly. " You had already gone downstairs. I didn't have anything else to wear."

Kakashi raised his eyebrows.

"So you thought you would help yourself to my property?" He said, with amusement.

"Hey pity-party for one over here," she murmured, as she held up her cast. "I promise you'll get it back-"

"-After you've stretched it out beyond recognition?" Kakashi laughed, with mock-outrage. And then, as if he hadn't committed those dimensions to memory.

"42? 48? Wasn't it, buddy? I'm definitely a few inches out."

"You should be thanking me, pops." Anko said, as she zipped up her bag. "I'm improving it."

Oh I don't doubt it.

The journey back to the village was made mostly in silence. Anko's hair streaked behind her as they ran, it had evidently been too much to ask Kakashi to put it up. As they ran he saw it more than once, a hand reaching to adjust the hitai-ate that wasn't there. What had made him to decide to leave his in his pocket that morning? He couldn't pinpoint it but whether by choice or not it's absence was felt just as deeply by each shinobi.

Kakashi had always enjoyed this part of the mission. As they approached the landscape became more and more familiar with every kilometre but today the signposts were unwelcome. Too soon the village gates were in sight, the setting sun lengthened the shadows from the surrounding trees so they became claws grasping at them.

Anko had stopped just beyond their reach, turning to him she sank into a deep bow, her hair fell in a curtain shielding her face.

"Thank you Kakashi- san."

Where had that come from?

"If I could be with anyone it would be you."

She really hadn't meant it like that buddy.

This uncharacteristic display of politeness from Anko unsettled him more than a volley of shuriken and a storm of cursing.

"-I'm glad it was me," Kakashi said as he scratched the back of his head, sure he was flushing like a maniac.

"Uh, if you ever need help, " he said, thankfully addressing the top of her head. "You know I'll help you, if you wanted me too."

Dear god you were actually babbling. Stop!

Kakashi put a hand on her shoulder and gently shook her, she looked at the hand then up at him.

"So do you need some help getting that collar on?" Anko frowned.

"For the crawl back to Tsunade on your hands and knees?" And for the loveliest moment Anko was back. Groaning and giggling then before she held her neck, gasping for air.

"Kakashi" she wheezed. "If I knew you were going to throw that back in my face- "

Drawing the hitai-ate out of his pocket he tied it back round his head, with a nod from Anko they headed to Hokage mountain together.

A Bad Time for Poor JudgementWhere stories live. Discover now