The Start

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It finally happened... The decathlon team was having their celebration field trip. To where? You may ask. Well Peter may be able to answer that question for you.

Peter groaned loudly as Mr Harrington read out the destination to the field trip that the school had been trying to keep hidden for a number of weeks.

Stark Industries.

While Peter was excited he would be able to show Ned even more of the tower. He wasn't excited for the things Flash would do if he found out about Peter's secret. Something he had managed to keep under wraps for a couple of years, and this field trip may just bring down the wall.

As Peter thought about all of the ways to get out of this field trip he found his feet slowly shuffling towards Happy who was parked outside Peter's school as per the arrangements.

"Hey Happy", Peter said as he opened the door to the car.

"Hey kid", Happy remarked "How was school?" Happy continued.

"School? Oh yeah school was good today....How's things at the tower?" Peter questioned.

"The towers are always the same Peter!" Happy Laughed.

"Yeah I know, I know it's the same with school. I always have the same day," Peter said.

Happy laughed some more before hitting the button for the divider as they started their journey to the tower. Peter loved Fridays because Fridays were the days that he got to stay at the tower with Mr. Stark for the night. He got to tinker in their lab, and his. He was able to hang out with the Avengers, and watch a movie AND have an entire 2 boxes of pizza to himself.

Peter walked into the back entrance of the tower where he was greeted by the receptionist working. Peter smiled as he continued his walk to the elevator. He has always found the receptionist really nice; he's just never muttered a word to her and to top that off he forgot her name and has been too embarrassed to ever ask. When he stepped into the elevator FRIDAY said her hello's.

"Hi Peter, welcome back. Shall I inform the Boss of your arrival?" FRIDAY asked

"Thanks Fri, you can let Mr. Stark know. I'm just going to head up to the main floor to get some food from the kitchen, I'll meet him in the lab after." Peter said.

"Okay, I've informed Boss" FRIDAY finished.

The ride up to the Avengers main floor was short, Stark Industries of course always had the most advanced technology including in the little things like the elevators. The doors chimed as they opened and Peter stepped out. He was greeted with a quiet living room meaning everyone was busy doing something else. Peter dropped his bag on the couch before making his way across to the kitchen to look for one of his favourite after school snacks. Cookies. Peter of course found the jar of freshly baked cookies made by the chef and decided to dig into a couple before grabbing some for Mr. Stark and heading his way over to the labs. Tony and Peter were working on a new project together and he was hoping he could work on it a bit more today. As Peter got to the lab, he saw Mr. Stark tinkering away at something at his bench.

"Hey Mr. Stark!" Peter said

"Oh hey Peter! How was school?" Tony asked.

"School was good today, nothing special happened. Can we work on the new Spider-Man project?" Peter asked excitedly.

"Sure we can, we have a couple of hours until the team comes back from their mission that Mr Eye Patch gave them." Tony said.

"Oh the team went on a mission? Why aren't you there?" Peter asked.

"Why aren't you there?" Tony fired back.

"Fair point" Peter said.

The duo worked on their new project for upgrades to the Spider-Man suit which included an upgrade to Karen's programming. They were so focused on the task at hand that they didn't hear FRIDAY tell them that the team was home until Natasha walked into the lab.

"I seem to remember a lab curfew being set by Pepper" Natasha said.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Tony said while continuing to work.

"Pleaseee let us have 5 more minutes Mrs Romanoff" Peter whined.

"What about movie night?" Natasha asked. "There will be no movie night if you guys continue to work in here, we won't see you guys all weekend. And we all know that Peter only stays for one night so we would all miss out on Peter time.. and we know what happened the last time the team missed out on Peter time it was may-"

"Okay! Okay I'm coming I'm coming" Peter whined "Come on Mr. Stark let's go watch a movie."

The three moved out of the lab and into the elevator to go up to the main floor.

"How many times do I need to tell you Peter that you don't need to call me Mrs Romanoff?" Natasha said as she scolded Peter.

"Sorry Natasha it's just a habit" Peter said as he looked to the door feeling like this ride was taking a lot longer than normal.

The elevator door dinged opened and Peter was greeted with the smell of pizza. He walked to the couch and took his spot getting ready to watch the movie.

"Which one of these are my pizza's?" Peter asked as he looked at the rows of boxes to feed the avengers and their fast metabolisms.

"The one with your name on it dude." Bucky said while rolling his eyes.

"Bucky!" said Steve "Give the kid a break he was only being nice" Steve said as he continued to scold Bucky about his manners.

Peter didn't mind Bucky's remarks as he genuinely didn't know what pizza was his but the team didn't need to know that. Everyone settled down with their boxes in hand to watch Clint's pick of the night. It of course was his turn and Peter couldn't wait to see what Clint had picked. To everyone's surprise Clint picked Hamilton which most of the team tried to debate because it wasn't in fact a movie but a play. To which Clint argued that it was on Disney plus and that it was his turn to choose and everyone has to deal with it like they do when they have to watch Steve's old black and white slapstick comedy films. So the team settled down after their adventurous day and Peter slowly drifted to sleep on the couch as Hamilton played in the background, grateful that he gets to call this special bunch family. 

Peter Parker's Wild Field TripWhere stories live. Discover now