Get Away From Me

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There was silence, no one said a thing, no one dared to say a thing. The air was thick, heavy, it felt like a crushing force. Peter stared at the man. The man stared at Peter. Peter breathed in deeply.

"What happened?" He finally asked. His voice came out scratchy and horse. It seems like forever has passed since he laid his eyes on the mystery man.

"I-I Peter," Was all the man managed to say in response.

"What happened?" Peter asked again. Being careful with his tone.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you kid. FRIDAY told me everything, she showed me the footage. When I pulled you out of that wreckage-" The Man started rambling.

"What wreckage? Who's FRIDAY? What happened? Where am I? Who's Bruce? Where's Mum? Where's Dad?" Peter couldn't stop himself as he rattled off these questions. This man knew Peter's name, but Peters had never seen this man before. How? Peter saw a flash of hurt appear on the Man's face but quickly replaced it with a solemn look.

"It's ok kid, Bruce said you might have some amnesia." The man spoke again.

"Who's Bruce? Why am I here" Peter said again, getting angry. He was over it, Uncle Ben didn't explain anything, now this man wasn't explaining anything. It was useless. Peter began to feel his eyes start to water and quietly whispered.

"Why does everything hurt? Where am I" Peter quickly gave up. Getting no answers from the mystery man. He was hurting. He was confused. He wanted to die. Peter rolled away from the man and shut his eyes. He heard the man whisper

"I'm sorry Pete. I'll tell you everything soon. Get some rest before Bruce gets here."

The man got up and left. His walk was soft and quiet, Peter could sense the sadness rolling off the man. As the mystery man left the room Peter opened his eyes and looked around the room once again. He saw some balloons and cards, they must be from Mum and Dad he thought. Where are they? Why aren't they here? Peter pulled the blanket up to his face and shut his eyes again. He was hungry but there was no food in this room. Peter decided he would just try to sleep.

Peter couldn't sleep. There was this agitating beeping sound ringing through the room.

"Turn it off," Peter said into the empty room. The beeping was annoying. It hurt, he had a headache.

"Turn it off!" Peter yelled a bit louder. He was getting agitated, angry, annoyed. The beeping was so annoying. Peter tried to get up, but he was met with a course of pain. He noticed all of these tubes and wires that he was hooked up to. Oh no. He was kidnapped. They knew he was Spider-Man. They were running experiments on him, that's why he was in so much pain. Peter pulled the wires off his chest, and the tubes out of his arm. The beeping stopped instead becoming one continuous sound. Peter had to get out of there, they couldn't keep him. With a shaky step Peter tried to walk before he crashed hard l onto the floor. Ok so walking is out of the picture. Peter heard his door slowly open and close.

"Shit" he hissed. He watched the person's feet walk across the floor. Peter watched from the other side of his bed until he saw a pair of scissors under his bed. Slowly he crawled under his bed taking cover and gripping onto the pair of scissors like his life depended on it.

"Peter?" The person called.

"Where are you"

Peter remained quiet hoping this person would walk away. Instead they did the opposite: the person crouched down on the floor. Peter's breath hitched in his throat as the person made direct eye contact with him.

"Peter, what are you doing on the floor?" the man said. He was wearing a lab coat. He must be one of the scientists that is experimenting on him. Peter had to act fast. He pulled the scissors down to his side where the lab coat man couldn't see him.

"Stay, away from me" Peter said in the most threatening voice he could muster. "Get back. Stay away from me"

"Peter, it's me! It's just me Bruce. You know Dr Banner, I deal with gamma radiation." So his name was Bruce Banner and he was a doctor. So he knew exactly what experiments he would be running. Peter needed to get out of there and get out of there now. He got up from under the bed and raised the scissors up.

"Get away from me" Peter said again. And he dashed. He dashed towards the door.

"Peter! Hey Peter stop"

He opened the door and ran, he ran down the hallway, he ran to the stairs and started his descent down. He was almost free then an alarm began to sound.

"Peter!" he heard voices call. "Peter it's ok come back," they were getting closer. They were catching up. It was happening so fast he needed to hide. Peter ran to the first door he found in the stairwell ripping it open. It looked like offices, ok cool so he just needed to find a storage room. Somewhere he could curl up into a small ball and hide. Peter was in pain, and he knew that. He knew he needed help, that's why he needed to hide. Hide so he could sneak out at night and get help from his Mum and Dad.

Peter found a storage closet. It was mostly empty but Peter could work with that. There were shelves and if he could just get to the very top and hide behind the supplies he would be safe. Peter started climbing the shelves, but everytime he moved he would get a shot of pain up his side. This was making it difficult for him to get up. He needed to get out of there. The door opened up, Peter was face to face with the mystery man again. He freaked out and pulled on a shelf, just before he was met with darkness again. 

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