13. Does This Involve Food?

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I was grinning from ear to ear as I held my phone with both hands and scrolled through my conversation with Griffin from yesterday.

Can't tonight. Stupid dinner at James' :/ -H

So is he always gonna take priority over your boyfriend? -G

No one takes priority over you. Especially James. -H

Would you be upset if I punched him? -G

Lol no, but what for? -H

For being unnecessary added stress in my girl's life and for taking your time away from me -G

I love you -H

I chuckled to myself at the heart and kissing emoji he sent me back as I continued to scroll through my messages until this morning.

How does after school sound? -G

Does this involve food? -H

We can grab a bite on the way there -G

Yay :) No way I'd miss Finding Dory anyway -H

Sounds like a plan :) Btw I'll be at your house in 5 -G

That last one was sent a few minutes ago, so if I wanted to eat before school I figured I better get something now.

Skipping down the stairs to the kitchen, I shoved a granola bar in my mouth as I exited the pantry. Looking out the window, I decided to wait outside for Griffin to come as I walked over to the door.

"Have a good day at school, hun," my mom smiled from the kitchen table beside my dad.

"I will," I smiled back." Bye mom, bye dad."

"Bye cupcake!"

"Will we see you at dinner?" my mom caught me before I stepped outside.

"No, I have plans. I'm going out, but I wont be back late, promise!"

As I headed through the front door, I could hear my parents talking to each other sounding all giddy. I thought I heard them mention something about James and the fact that I was going out tonight, but maybe I'm a little paranoid when it comes to the James subject, so I tried not to think much of it.

Walking down the driveway to where our trash can was stationed, ready for the garbage truck, I tossed away my granola bar wrapper as I noticed Griffin's car pulling up.

An instant smile spread across my face when I saw his. Opening the passenger seat's door, I got in as I was greeted by a lingering peck on the lips.

"Morning," Griffin beamed. His hair was a mess (as usual) but somehow it looked good paired with his silver aviators, which prevented me from seeing his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Morning yourself," I grinned back.

Reaching for my hand, he interlocked his fingers with mine as we sped down the road.

By the time we got to school, we both had to rush to our separate classes if we didn't want to be late. It wasn't until lunch time when we finally got to really see each other again, since we only shared one class, Advanced Algebra, which wasn't until the afternoon.

"So we have a game tomorrow," Griffin said as he popped a tater tot in his mouth. "You gonna be there? I could really use the extra support." He raised both eyebrows at me with a smirk as he tried to convince me to come.

I dipped a tater tot in barbecue sauce as I chuckled. "A whole crowd isn't enough?"

"Nope," he said, popping the 'P.' "Means nothing if you're not there."

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