Akito pt1

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As soon as I saw on the news that Ena had been found unconscious on the roof I knew something was wrong it had to by why the hell would she be up there and what caused her to be out. She worked me often and I knew leaving her at home wouldn't be the greatest of ideas but I though it would be ok she's usually quite good at taking care of herself she can get angry often but thats not her fault she's never had it that easy with the bullying and our dad I just wish I'd been there.

I rushed back from my trip with Vivid bad squad Ena was much more important to me right now I needed her to be ok she means everything to me I love her art and I know dad doesn't but I've always found something so unique in it that made it so mesmerising for me to look at and admire even when Dad was pointy out it's flaw as like he always does because he's an absolute dick. I arrived at the hospital about 2 hours after I found out my dad wasn't there of course I wouldn't expect him to be its not like he cares he never has. He's never cared about anybody but himself so I wouldn't be surprised if he only turns up once with the press to make himself look good and for everybody else in her life to be made out to be the bad guys even though I know its all his fault it has to be. Although the details are unknown ad cause of the accident are unknown as well I have this gut feeling it was a suicide attempt I mean sh had no health issues and had been fine recently however her mental health had been heavily declining when she lost contact with Mizuki and Dads words were finally getting to her I could tell I heard her crying herself to sleep every night I heard her scream at herself why wasn't she good enough and that she didn't deserve to live I couldn't disagree more but I could tell it was really hurting her she'd gotten better when she met Mizuki but they got banned off discord and Ena lost contact with them. I think that was her final straw she had nobody to go to I always said she could talk to me but sometimes I don't think she wanted to talk to her silly younger brother I think she wanted to seem strong in front of me as the eldest but I could tell she was hurting and didn't know what to do.

I knew I had to be there for Ena from now on it was my duty as her brother I know she'd be lecturing about this right now but that wasn't important I need her to be ok she's my absolute rock I love her she's the only family I know (I have my dad but I don't consider him family as he's an absolute dick) and she means the world to me. If she was awake I know she'd be comforting me right now telling me she was going to be ok but she couldn't because she was laying unconscious in a hospital bed because of something that happened that day that I have no way of finding out because I was busy on a camping trip with Vivid bad squad. I cry as I look at her warm unconscious body on the life support machines as 100s of nurses come hurrying in and out of the room worried expressions across all of their faces and I felt like I was being left in the dark because I had no idea what was going on or if she'd survive or not I decided to talk to one of the nurses just to confirm my thoughts as to how she ended up here.

Akito: How's Ena? Is she ok? Is she going to be ok? Do you know what happened? What caused her to be here? Has my dad been round?

I know it was a lot of questions but I was really worried about her you know.

Nurse: She's not looking good kid I wish I could give you better news but she's in a coma I don't know exactly what led her to be here but I do know that she took 40 paracetamol tablets that we found in her pocket an obvious suicide attempt I wish I could tell you more but it's all confusing at the moment we don't know what's going to happen. Oh and for your Dad no he hasn't been round we've tried reaching him like 100 times but he never answers must be either really busy or an absolute douche to not come to the hospital where your daughter is lying unconscious.

Akito: I didn't expect my dad to have come to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who caused her to be in this hospital bed in the first place but enough about that you said she's in a coma do you know if she'll wake up I need her she's my sister I wish I'd been there to help her.

I said this with tears falling down my pale face again the fact I didn't yet know if she was going to wake up was killin me inside and I wasn't the one in a hospital bed.

Nurse: I wish I could give you better news kid but we still don't know if she's going to walk up there's a chance she will but if she does it'll be months from now she really taken this hard and I know this'll be hard on you too so we do want o give you as much support as possible here at the hospital as we know this isn't easy for anybody to get through but let me reassure you the battle isn't over yet and this one looks like a fighter.

His words reassured me I knew Ena well and I knew she wasn't going to go out without a fight however for her to get here she'd given up on life so I'm yet to know what she's going to do I doubt she's even thinking right now she might not even be alive in there maybe it's just her body that's surviving. I think I'm looking too much into it. We've never really been religious in our house but is there is a god I am praying that Ena will be ok and she'll fight but if she wants to go and that'll be better for her Ill let her I don't want her to suffer I just want my big sis back and the people who lead her to this point to pay for what they have caused.

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