Prologue: Sleeping Beauty was a fucked up story

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Sleeping Beauty was a fucked up story.

I mean imagine your sleeping, and then you wake up to a stranger kissing you.

Weird, right?

And not to mention that Aurora was 16, while Phillip was 20.

But, I guess it can't be-


"Y/n, wake up! it's the first day of school" 

Oh, right. 

You see, I just moved to Japan for my moms new jobs, meaning that I have a new school to go to.

The school is called PK academy. Home to every transfer student ever.

I put the uniform on, and put my oversized jacket over it. I grabbed my Nintendo switch, my headphones, and exited my room. 

"There you are, honey. I was thinking you wouldn't wake up" my mom said, smiling at me. "I got you more of that coffee you like, you can take it with you to school." my other mom said, walking into the kitchen holding more coffee.

I slightly smiled at them, while grabbing the coffee and putting it in my bag. 

"oh, and we won't be back until later, so here's some money to get you some food after school" My first mom, Jayden, said handing me 6,592.25 yen and my lunch. 

"okay, be safe at work. I have to go" I said, grabbing the money and the lunch, and waved at them. 

"okay, have fun at school!" My second mom, Red, said waving at me.

I nodded, and walked out the door.

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When I walked into the school, I looked down at my switch, and heard what everyone around me was talking about. The were all talking about a person named teruhashi

*who the fuck is that?*

i ignored it, and continued my way to my class room. 

*Welp, here  goes nothing*

I thought, standing in front of the door. 

I walked in, and almost in an instant, all eyes were on me. I could tell what kind of personality a person had just by looking at them. This blue haired girl with a piss yellow aura around her looked fake as fuck.

*So she's a no go*

This tall guy with a butt chin looked dumb, but friendly. And then a pink haired boy looked almost done with everything.

*honestly, same*

"Hi...I'm Y/n" I said, I quickly sat down, and began playing my switch, ignoring the curious stares my way. 

A few minutes later, the teacher walked in, and started class. 

I didn't pay attention though, because i didn't feel the need too.

I was taught this subject in C/N. so i already know it. 

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*Finally, it's lunch

I pulled out my lunch, and decided to see what i had for lunch today. When I opened it, I saw ramen, my coffee, and some coffee jelly. 

*this looks good, but i don't really like coffee jelly*

I'm guessing my mom, Red bought the jelly because she thought i would like it, but truth is, I don't. But I don't like food going to waste, so I'm either gonna have to force myself to eat it, or give it to someone else.

While I was thinking, I didn't see a certain pink haired eyeing my coffee jelly.

When I finally realized what to do with it, I began eating. When I was done, I placed the coffee jellies on the desk of the person next to me, which just so happened to be the pink haired boy's desk. As soon as I placed it on his desk, I laid my head on mine, and began sleeping. 

Hey, you. The person reading this. you wanna know why this chapter's title has something to do with Sleeping Beauty? Well, I'll tell you. Every other day since i was a kid, I have this reoccurring dream about Sleeping Beauty, and instead of her being the one sleeping, i am, and instead of Philip assaulting me in my sleep, It's a deformed sleeping beauty staring at me, and mouthing something. It's kind of like a lucid  dream, but instead of me being able to do what i want, i get led to my death and I die everytime in the most brutal ways you can think of. (this is true)

like this one time in the dream, Aurora tied my hair (or wig, ion know) to a dumb bell, and threw me in a pool to drown, while saying words that i couldn't understand. (shout out to YanSim for that creative kill) anyways, so while I was sleeping, The pink haired dude stared at me for a few seconds, before eating the coffee jelly I gave him.

Saiki's POV

I was watching the new kid eat their food, when they suddenly place the coffee jelly from their lunch onto my desk

Are you an angel?

I looked at them, before they fell asleep.

Good grief, they fell asleep just like that?

While I was silently judging the person, I read their mind, and saw they were having a horrifying nightmare.

That's not concerning at all

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Y/n's POV

It's finally the end of the day, and I can't wait to go home. While I was packing, the girl with the piss yellow aura walked up to me and introduced herself as Teruhashi

"Hi, you must be the new kid everyone was talking about, right? I'm teruhashi" She said, energetically.

*Sheesh, you're too energetic for me. Calm down, please* is what I wanted to say, but decided against, since she's the same chick everyone was talking about earlier, and it seems she has a fan club, so I do not want to get on her bad side.

i looked at her, before saying a quick hi, and turning back to my switch, and walking out the class door.

"...hi" I said, and quickly left, not wanting to talk any longer. 

This action seemed to have shocked her.

*geez, is her ego really that big? take it down a notch*

As you can see, I hate people  like her, and i'm glad the day ended.

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Fun fact: my moms names are actually Red and Jayden, and they wanted to be in the story. and Y/n is very slightly based off of me.

and the sleeping beauty dream is a dream i actually had, so that's fun

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