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Alev and Aria exchanged a confused look. They had heard of S.H.E.L.D before but.... they had no idea what it really was. Alev could feel the tension building inside him as the SUV raced down the deserted streets.

Agent Coulson must have sensed his apprehension, for he turned to him and said, "We are a top-secret organization that protects the world from all kinds of threats, including those that are not of this world."

Alev's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean like aliens?" he asked.

"Exactly," Agent Coulson replied. "We have been monitoring your situation for some time now, and we believe that you and Aria have the potential to be valuable assets to our organization."

Aria looked at him, her eyes searching his face. 

"What do you mean?" she asked.

We have recently discovered some records of old experime- I mean, experiences from your early days. You 2 have powers." Agent Coulson said. 

"With our training and resources, we can help you hone those skills and use them to make a real difference."

Alev and Aria looked at each other in disbelief. They had always known that they were different, but they had never truly understood the extent of their abilities. Aria's eyes were wide with wonder, while Alev's mind raced with possibilities.

"What kind of... difference...?" Alev asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You'll find out soon enough," Agent Coulson replied with a cryptic smile.

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence, each lost in their thoughts. Alev couldn't believe how quickly his life had changed. Just moments ago, he had been living in a constant state of fear, with no hope of escape.

Now, he was being recruited by a top-secret government organization to fight against otherworldly threats.As the SUV pulled into a giant underground parking garage, Agent Coulson explained that they were at a S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. They exited the car and walked through a set of double doors, into a massive government facility.

"Okay then, kids. The first thing to be done is a medical exam, courtesy of Agent Revers. He's very smart and he's not quite used to working with young patients, but give him a chance, please." said Coulson, as he walked down a hallway, taking a few turns and stopping in front of a door. "Go ahead." Alev bit his lip, knowing what the doctors would find on both of them. Marks from years of abuse. Malnourishment... beatings... sexual assault. He shuddered at the thought of being examined by a stranger, but he knew it was necessary if he and Aria were going to become part of S.H.I.E.L.D.

As they entered the room, Alev's eyes fell on a tall, thin man with wire-rimmed glasses. The man looked up from a clipboard and smiled at them hesitantly.

"Hello," he said, his voice soft. "I'm Agent Revers. I'll be conducting your medical exam today."Alev nodded at him, trying to hide his discomfort. Aria moved closer to him, her hand slipping into his. Revers noticed the gesture and smiled reassuringly at them."Okay, first things first," he said, opening a cabinet and pulling out a set of scales. "Let's get your weight and height."

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