-Gigi Gives Birth

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Gigi's POV
I'm Already 39 Weeks, Which Means I Could Be In Labour Any Time Soon. Me and Yeonjun Already Packed Our Hospital Bags And The Baby's Hospital Bag As Well. I'm Currently Laying Down Since I Wasn't Feeling Well.

Yeonjun Was Downstairs With The Rest. I Was Closing My Eyes To Take a Nap, When I Felt A Pain In My Stomach. I Just Thought It was a Braxton Hick, So I Ignored It, But It Keeped Coming Back, So I Decided to Use The Bathroom.

I Went To the Bathroom. I Finshed and The Pain Was Still There. I Was Also Noticing How My Braxton Hicks Were Mostly 15 Minutes Apart.

Now This Next Braxton Hick Was More Powerful. I Sat On the Edge Of the Bed and Placed My Hands On my Knees. I Was Taking Deep Breaths. I Heard Footsteps Coming To My Door.

I Heard The Door Open. "Gigi?!" I Heard Hueningkai's Voice. "Are You Ok?!" He Said Worried. "Is She Coming?!" He Said. "I Don't Know. I Keep Having Braxton Hicks." I Said As The Braxton Hick Went Away.

"I'll Go Tell Yeonjun!" Hueningkai Said And Ran Downstairs. "YEONJUN-HYUNG!!!!!!" Hueningkai Yelled. I Heard Yeonjun Running Upstairs. "I'm Coming!!" He Said. I Started Having Another Braxton Hick.

"Gigi! Are You Ok?! Is The Baby Ok?!" Yeonjun Asked Frantically. "She's Having a Braxton Hick You Idiot!" Hueningkai Said. "Do We Need To Go To The Hospital?" Yeonjun Said.

"She Told Me Her Water Hasn't Broken Yet." Hueningkai Said. "Let's Just Go To Make Sure!" Yeonjun Said. Hueningkai Left. Yeonjun Got Me Dressed. He Carried Me.
My Braxton Hicks Weren't That Powerful.

"I'll Get the Hospital Bags!" Beomgyu Said. Yeonjun Placed Me In His Car. Beomgyu Put the Hospital Bags In The Backseat. Beomgyu Patted My Head. "Do Good Gigi!" Beomgyu Said.

Yeonjun Came Into the Driver's Seat and He Drove Off To the Hospital. "How Are You Feeling?" He Said While Driving. "I Don't Really Feel Well." I Said. "Hang In There Princess." Yeonjun Said and Patted My Bump Gently.

We Arrived and Yeonjun Carried Me Inside. He Got the Hospital Bags and Walked Inside. The Nurses Came With a Wheelchair. Yeonjun Placed Me Inside Gently.

We Got To a Room and They Gave Me a Hospital Gown and They Left. Yeonjun Helped Me Get Dressed Into It. He Helped Me Lay Down and Put a Blanket On Me.

He Held My Hand.
1 Hour Later-
We Found Out That They Weren't Braxton Hicks, They Were Actual Contractions. My Water Hasn't Broke Yet, And The Nurse Said I'm About 4 Centimeters. My Water Has To Break Before 10 Centimeters, and If Not, Then I Have To Do a C-Section.

Yeonjun Has Been By My Side Whenever I Have Contractions, and He Doesn't Even Bother If I Squeeze His Hand So Hard. The Nurse Just Came In and Said I Was 6 Centimeters.

"She's Getting So Close!" Yeonjun Said and Patted My Bump Gently.
15 Minutes Later-
The Nurse Came In and Checked How Many Centimeters I Was. She Said I Was Already 10 Centimeters, But My Water Hasn't Broken Yet, So Now I Have To Do a C-Section.

The Nurses Came In And Wheeled Me Into the C-Section Room. They Said Yeonjun Can Stay With Me. They Got Me On a Bed and Pulled A Curtain Above My Body So That I Don't Have To See It.

The Nurses Were So Kind And Nice And Were Walking Steps Towards The Whole Process. Yeonjun Stood Beside Me And I Squeezed His Hand. "I'm Right Here Gigi. You Got This." Yeonjun Said and Kissed My Forehead.

"Ok Ms.Gigi, I Need You To Push!" The Nurse Said. I Started Pushing. "Good Good, Keep Going!" She Said. I Keeped Pushing. "Keep Going, Her Head Is Almost Out!" She Said.

I Pushed. "Ok, Her Head Is Out, Now Push a Little Harder For The Shoulders!" She Said. "Ok, Push!" She Said. I Pushed Harder. "One More Time!" She Said.

I Pushed. "Her Shoulders Are Out, Now Push Again!" She Said. I Pushed Harder. "There We Go! She's Halfway Out!" She Said. "Push!" She Said.

I Pushed. "She's Almost Out!" She Said. I Pushed Harder. "Push One More!" She Said. I Pushed Harder. I Heard a Loud Baby Cry.

"She's Here Baby. You Did It!" Yeonjun Said and Kissed My Lips Softly. I Kissed Back. He Broke The Kiss. The Nurse Came Beside Me And Showed Me My Princess.

"Hi Princess! Your Finally Here!" I Said While She Was Crying. "It's Ok Princess! Your Alright!" I Said. She Was Still Crying. The Nurse Took Her Where You Weight The Babies At.

They Cleaned Her Up. "She's 7lbs and 10oz!" The Nurse Said. The Nurse Cleaned Me Up. Then, She Wheeled Us Back To Our Room. "I'm So Proud Of You Gigi!" Yeonjun Said. I Smiled.

The Nurse Came In With Our Princess Fast Asleep. She Handed Me My Princess First. I Held Her.

(You Held Her Like This)Yeonjun Came And Put His Forehead Onto Mines and Stared Down At His Little Princess

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(You Held Her Like This)
Yeonjun Came And Put His Forehead Onto Mines and Stared Down At His Little Princess. She Was Fast Asleep Against My Chest.

"She's So Beautiful. Just Like Her Mommy." Yeonjun Said and Smiled. "She's Got Mommy's Beautiful Eyes, She's Got My Lips, She's Got My Nose As Well!" Yeonjun Said.

I Heard Yeonjun's Phone Ring. "It Must Be The Members and Your Friends Face-Timing." Yeonjun Said. He Got His Phone Out. "Hi Yeonjun-Hyung!!" Hueningkai Said.

"Where Is She?!" Soyeon Said. He Flipped The Camera Around And Showed Them The Baby. "Awww!!" They Said. "She's So Cute!" Minnie Said. "How Are You Feeling Gigi?" Hyunjin Said.

"I'm Feeling Better Now!" I Said. She Opened Her Eyes. She Looked Straight Into the Camera. "Omg! Hi Little Baby!" Soobin Said. We Talked To Them For a Few Minutes.

"We'll Leave You Happy Family Alone, So You Guys Can Spend Time With Her." Soobin Said. Yeonjun Nodded. "Bye!" Yeonjun Said.

"Bye Yeonjun!!" They Said. He Ended The Call. I Handed Yeonjun To Her. She Was So Quiet. I Buttoned My Gown And I Decided To Sleep.

"Take a Rest Gigi. I'll Wake You Up If I Need Help With Our Princess." Yeonjun Said. I Nodded. I Fell Asleep After a LONG Night Of Giving Birth To My Princess.

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