Who are you?

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Sum: You are Nats' sidekick... and neither one of you knew. You both wore a mask and wanted to keep business out of your personal life. Also, you're married.

Y/n pov:
I feel horrible. I have to cancel our movie night because Widow needs me at the pier for a drug trade. Me and Nat have been planning this for a while, and now I have to cancel it.

I know you shouldn't keep secrets from your wife, but I don't want her worring about me every time I have to go. I'm walking to her office thinking about the best way to put it, but I'm already at the door.

Y: Hey babe. I'm so sorry, but my boss needs me to go back to the office and fix some mistakes she made on the files. I have to stay for hours, so I won't be able to watch the movie.

N: It's ok, baby. My assistant messed up some files, too, so now I have to go to my office. Maybe we can do it next week.

Y: Yeah, maybe.

Now everything hurts. Not only the Widow is taking me from my wife, but Nat was going to have to leave anyway. I go to get my fighting suit and mask that covers my whole face and hide, waiting for Nat to leave first. Then I'm off

Nats pov:

I don't know what's worse. That I had to postpone or that she was canceling. We don't spend any time together anymore. If anything, I spend most of my time with Cobra (That's your superhero name bc I'm tired, and it's literally 3 a.m.)

Tonight, we were supposed to order Ubereats, relax, cuddle, and watch a movie. Anything just to spend a second together. I know, I lied to her, and it's wrong, but it's to protect her.

As soon as she leaves, I throw on my leather suit and mask that covers my mouth and leaves...

I make it to the pier, but I don't see Cobra. Oh, wait. There she is.

Second person:
After listening to the deals that were being made, you and Nat were growing anxious. At some point, you and her jumped out, but there were more people there than expected. They trapped you and kept you both on the ship.

You were tied, back facing the pole, and same with Nat. You are face to face with each other, but of course, you don't know eachothers true identity.

?: So, you two want to play hero? Looks like it's game over

??v Dude, that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Just ask them what the boss wants to know.

?: What do you know?

N: We know you two are pussies for listening to-

Y: We don't know anything!

?? Shut up bitch! *He smacked you*

N: Hey! Don't touch her!

?: Oh, we've hit a nerve. Do it again!

He punched you in the jaw and you groan in pain.

N: Stop!

??: Oh come on. Do you even know who she actually is?

He walks up to you and pull your mask off.

N: No- wait, y/n?

?: Hmm. Now have a name

??: The boss would love you sweetheart.

Y: I'm married.

The other guy takes Nats mask off.

Y: Nat?!

??: Good, now we all know eachother let's continue. Who do you work for?


??: Ok, back to our old method. *He punched and kicked you*

Nat: That's it!

She jerks and shifts until the ropes loosened up. She gets out of the ropes and pull out her gun.

N: Touch her again and I'll blow your brains out.

? Tapped your cheek. And BANG.

She then shot the other guy. Finally now that you're untied, you kiss her.

Y/n pov:
I can't believe I was fighting beside my wife this whole time. It's a bittersweet moment, she lied to me, but I lied to her.

Nat pov:
I was fighting bad guys with my wife this entire time. This a good and a bad thing, now I don't have to lie to her, but now I have to protect her.

Second person:
You both pull away from the kiss and finish the mission.

When you got home:
N: So, you were my sidekick this whole time?

Y: Not sidekick! Fighting partner.

N: Yeah, you're my sidekick

Y: The couch is about to be your new sidekick.

N: Yeah, fighting partner sounds like the right term.

Hello! I'm out of school today!!! Sleeping in has never felt so good. I wrote the whole thing last night, so I was tired. Anywayyyyyyyys have a good day/ night <3.

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