Chapter 3

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A knife to the arm can be stitched. A punch to the jaw would heal. But a crack in the heart can't be bandaged.


Angel rolled out of his bed. Literally. He rolled, and hit the ground with a thunk. He had gotten no sleep since he woke up, so at 6:07am he just decided to get up anyways. He also took that time to think. He realized he was over reacting a bit, but the past can't change so that's that.

Angel stood up, and got dressed. Nothing fancy, just the usual suit. He then proceeded to just walk out of his room. He forgot a lot of stuff, like: feeding fat nuggets, brushing his hair, brushing his teeth, etc. But he didn't really notice. His legs dragged him out of his room, down the stairs, and out the hotel. His legs then kept of leading him down the streets of good ole hell, to a local Coffee Shop. It was honestly a miracle that think was still running. It was run by a sinner who seemed to be too kind to be stuck in hell. She hid the coffee shop so no bad people would ruin it, but that resulted in to business. Angel, however, had found it with Cherri one evening, and now loves to go there.

Angel opened the door to the shop, causing it to ding with a soft bell. The owner, who was behind the desk, looked up and smiled warmly when she realized it was Angel Dust.

"Angel! I'm so glad you're here, I'll let Cherri know." She said, gesturing to the hell phone she had connected to the wall. She was walking over to it, but stopped when Angel started to talk.

"Actually Ms. Mira, that won't be necessary, I came here to speak to you!" Angel said, trying to be enthusiastic for both their sakes. He kept a weak grin on his face, making Mira laugh softy before returning to the front desk.

"Well then dearie what do you need?"

Angels eyes darted back and forth as he shuffled nervously, before saying, "Love advice." Shyly. Mira was quite shocked at this, considering being a Porn Star didn't give much room for love, but overall she was happy for Angel Dust. She walked around the counter and sat at a two seat table, gesturing for Angel to join her. Once he did, she started talking.

Well, I won't ask who the lucky man is, that's none of my business, but I will gladly give you advice! The first thing I would say is do small gestures of kindness. Those really strike people in the hearts to most. Something else I would say is show you care, say nice things, or just be gentle with them." Mira said, before she started to ramble on about a story revolving her past love life. Angel just snickered to himself, before leaning forward to listen to the story. But he kept the advice in the back on his mind. 

See, he was really hoping to find love, but being a porn star meant he wasn't really a keen option. No one wanted him, because he was used and thrown around like trash.

He was 'worthless', to his mind.

Angel interrupted Mira by clearing his throat, making her realize she was rambling.

"Oh! Sorry dearie, I got carried away." Mira said, waving her hand around in exaggeration.

"Hey, it's fine. I just need to get to work now, Ya know? Angel said, tapping to an invisible watch on his arm to showcase it had been awhile. In reality the time was 6:43, but Angel had something he needed to do.

"Of course! Thanks so much for visiting! It was truly a pleasure seeing you here again!" Mira said with a sweet tone.

Angel sighed, not understand what the woman did to deserve to be stuck in hell. She should be in Heaven, where she belongs. Angel bid her adieu and left the shop, walking down the street. He listened to the chaos of hell around him. People dying, guns and bombs firing. It really did seem like a war ground, but it was just good ole hell. Angel chuckled to himself thinking about that.

"You seem tense, why don't you relax and come with me?" A man said from somewhere. Angel turned to glare at him, which resulted in a punch to the jaw.

"Yep, that's gonna bruise." Angel said with humor, stumbling backwards. The man punched Angel again in the abdomen, wanting to fight. Angel choked at that action and pain shot through his mouth. Blood ever so slightly started coming from his tounge. Angel realized that he had bit his tongue.

"What's a pretty little thang like you resisting me. Didn't you hear me." The man started up again, rolling his eyes. Angel took that chance to return the punch and sprint. He didn't usually fight or flight by itself. He liked to do both. Angel could hear yelling behind him, but he kept sprinting, laughing to himself and holding up the middle finger.

Angel turned the corner and ran into something hard. Assuming it was a wall, Angel cursed and fell backwards. Getting caught quickly by someone who grabbed onto him by the wrist.

"Be careful now, we wouldn't want you bruising." A static voice rang out.

Angel gasped to himself, his eyes widening as he stared upwards.


(Flashback begins)

"Anthony! Wait up! A voice called from behind. Anthony just giggled as he jumped over tree roots. He looked behind him to see his friend catching up.

Anthony laughed aloud and turned his head back in-front of him, only to be tripped by a tree root and find himself plummeting to the ground. Just as Anthony was about to hit the ground he felt a hand slink around his wrist.

Anthony's laughter stopped as he turned around to find Alex *holding him by the wrist, grinning foolishly as he stared down at the boy below him.

(* I know canonically Alastor didn't change his name, but for the sake of the plot he had a different human name. Bc it would be harder for Angel and Alastor to find each other in hell that way.)

"Be careful now, we wouldn't want you bruising."

(Flashback ends)


Angel didn't say anything, just used the help of Alastors hand to straighten himself. His eyes were still wide and his eyebrows showed confusion.

"Is something the matter, my dear?" Alastor said, confused and Angel Dusts perplexed expression. He tiled his head to the side as Angel dust just remained in more silence.

Angel dust didn't know what to say. Deja vu flooded through him in an uncomfortable way. Angel felt the crack in his heart arising again. Alastor didn't deserve to say those words. Nobody else did, Angel felt anger flood through him, and he proceeded to make the dumb decision to stomp away.

 Alastor didn't feel like going after him. Angel was none of his concern. He trailed away, heading in the direction he was going to go originally.

On the way back to the hotel, still stomping, Angel found himself slowly start to cool down. He didn't really know why he got so mad. He guessed it just reminded him of a better time. And he didn't want to be reminded.

Angel grimaced as he opened the hotel doors. Stepping into the gloomy environment and walking through the lobby, Up the stairs, and into his room. He opened his door and flicked the lights on quickly, kneeling on the ground and whistling Fat Nuggets over. Fat nuggets ran towards him, oinking happily as he owner had returned. Fat nuggets reached angel and found himself being picked up and snuggled by the spider demon.

"Oh fat nuggets, what are we gonna do."


It took awhile but it's here :/

Words: 1270

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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