Bonus! Elwin POV, 3rd Person Limited

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Because I love Elwin. This is totally unnecessary and so confusing bc like. It has nothing to do with the story itself. And its organization? Nonexistent. All over the place. Keyboard spam level. But I love Elwin.

Also god, why did Shannon like ban brown eyes from KotLC. Like? Aria with brown eyes? Elwin with brown eyes?? Caspian WITH BROWN EYES???? i think im in love

1335 words. Happy 3 year anniversary! Please vote and comment!! <3

Elwin fiddled with a vial of Stone Tones, a strange gray elixir from Slurps and Burps that made one's voice sound like gravel. There was no way it sold as well as Kesler claimed, but there was also a very high possibility Keefe was buying bulk orders and stocking up for a brand new prank.

Under several different names over the course of several months, increasing the amount slowly so it appeared like the product was gaining popularity naturally and took suspicion off him.

At least, that was what Elwin would do — hypothetically, of course.

For now, he only had one. A simple warning for Lady Ilyana to stop sticking her nose in his business. And to quit gifting him ridiculous socks which were clearly an insult to his (fabulous) outfits.

And no, it wasn't his fault for starting it with sending her reekrods when she got a pet murcat because he totally had no idea murcats despised reekrods.

A tentative, terrified "Excuse me?" sounded from near the door, and Elwin set the vial down, wondering if I'm planning a malicious prank was written across his face.

A boy stood in the doorway, dressed in the red of the fifth year uniform, and holding Aria's limp body in his arms.

Elwin's greeting turned to ash in his mouth. "Set her on the cot. Can you tell me what happened?"

The boy did as he said, draping a blanket across her body as Elwin flashed various lights over her. "I don't know." His voice shook. "One minute we were just talking, and the next . . ." His hands reached hers. They were shaking, too. "After Magnate Leto's announcements, she collapsed. He was saying something about a Planting."

Elwin stopped.

The boy looked up. "What? What happened?"

He sank into a chair, rubbing his temples. "Charlotte Viper's Planting?"

"I think so. Were they friends?"

Elwin wanted to curse loud enough that the Council would hear from Eternalia. "They are. What's your name?"


Oh. Oh. That would explain a whole lot. The concern, the lingering looks, the hand-holding. Another teenage love story unfolding in his Healing Center. Fun. He could've bet a hundred lusters and his entire stuffed animal collection that Keefe was going to be a part of this too.

"What's going on? Is Aria okay?"

I don't know. "She should be fine." Unless this was the last straw. "She'll wake up in a couple hours." And the news of Charlotte's Planting had finally broken her. "She didn't hit her head, or anything, did she?"

Shawn shook his head.

"Good. Thank you for bringing her here." But what was he going to do? He was supposed to be able to heal her. Doctors were supposed to fix everything, but he wasn't a telepath, and if Aria's 'retreating into the nook' training was unfinished, not even Sophie Foster could fix her now.

There was nothing he could do except watch helplessly.

There's nothing we can do, Elwin. For thirteen years, it haunted him. Nothing we can do.

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