'A Gift To Keep'

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So I started writing this story. It's more like a short story;it's not completely but I thought I would share with you guys.
(After the stars, it skips to the end of the story)

They'd often cross paths. With a nod and a muffled greeting, they'd move back to their business, until they'd catch sight of each other again. Could you call it a mutual acquaintance? No. Not quite. It was a little more than that.

But could you call it a friendship?


Life was an interesting person. She was almost always out the house, a bright smile adorning her face. Once she had finished her job for the day, she would prance around almost like a child. How do you imagine the face of a child? Twinkling eyes abundant with mischief, an infectious smile and some form of innocence they haven't overcome yet. Life was all of these and more. If she was in a film, she'd be the Disney princess with birds and butterflies fluttering around her.

Death? All anyone knew about him was that he was supposedly the brooding type. He was the stereotypical emo, who moved in a slow and tired way. Ironically, it seemed that he was bored of living. His job was unknown but he treated it like it was never-ending. His face was thought to be sullen, but it was always covered up by a hood of some sort-the locals didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse.

* * * * *

People think that Life and Death contrast each other. They are opposites in every way, so for them to be friends, would be a miracle.

But why think of it like that?

Life compliments Death like the Yin and Yang symbol. They balance each other like the pull and push of the tides, caused by the moon.

So why can they not be the best of friends?

And yet, sometimes it seems like a one sided friendship. If you think about it, Life puts in almost all the effort

After all, Life sends Death gifts all the time. But then again, Death does keep them forever.

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