Hermione Chapter 7

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I like him. It's definite. I have known this boy for so long and he is perfect. He is a hero, witty, smart, always knows how to make me smile and he is rather good looking. I look down and blush. Luckily, my hair falls in front of my face to hide my scarlet cheeks.

He grabs my hand and looks me in the eye.

"We can get through whatever this is together, okay?" He says and I nod "this isn't wrong, Hermione, we can't help how we feel. If we don't don't like them anymore, we can't help that. It's not like we deliberately don't click anymore!"

I smile and he lets go of my hand. A longing for his warm hand is spread throughout my palm. This isn't right. I have no idea why I start to cry. He immediately pulls me into a hug. I feel safe and wanted. But I know he doesn't feel the same way. It's obvious! Maybe he's just being sweet to become better friends with me for when he tells Ginny?

"Mione?" He whispers "I-I think-"

The door swings open and cuts Harry off. Ginny stares at me.

"GET OUT " Ginny screams.

"It's not what it looks like! She started crying. Plus we are best friends! Ginny calm down!" I hear Harry say as I run out of the house.

That went well. I think to myself. I apperate back to just to outside my house. Where will I say I've gone, because I know Ron will be suspicious. I went to the shops. Perfect. But I don't have any shopping to prove it. I run to the nearest news agents and pick up a pint of milk.
I run back.
"Hey Ronnie!" I say trying to sound happy
"Drop the act"
"Drop the act"
"Ginny told me. Go back to your perfect Potter! I was never good enough for you, was I? Was I?"
My hands shake and I drop the milk. I collapse on the floor and an uncontrollable stream of tears pour down my face.
"Ron! What did she say?"
"She heard your entire conversation" he also breaks down in tears
"D-do y-y-you really love me?"
I don't answer.
"I knew it!" He screams "you don't really love me!"
I run out of the house. What am I doing? Of course I love Ron! Who was I kidding, no I don't!
Harry is perfect.
But he doesn't feel the same way.
I pick up the phone in the red box again and call Harry's mobile.
"We shouldn't be talking"
"I know"
"I can't help talking to you though"
"Ron knows"
"Ginny too"
"What are we going to do?"
"Run away"
"Harry, no we can't!"
"What's stopping us?"
"Work, Ron, Ginny, everyone, everything"
My heart is pounding.
"Hermione, I was trying to tell you something before Ginny walked in and I would like to tell you in person"
"Can we meet at Kings Cross?"
"Only if I can tell you then"
"Of course, silly!"
I chuckle and hang up.
I apparate into Kings Cross and see him staring at me. I run to him. He embraces me. His sweet smell travels up my nostrils and I squeeze him tighter. It feels so perfect. He feels so perfect.
"Hermione, shall we get on a train?"
"Of course" I smile and we walk onto a train. Any train. It doesn't matter anymore.
We sit down in a luxurious carriage and he grins at me. How perfect.
"Where are we going?" I say as I suddenly realise that we don't have tickets or a destination.
"I was thinking Paris, seen as we're on the Eurostar!"
My heart pounds. Paris. The city of love.
Oh Harry, I wish I could tell you.
"We're gonna stay with an old friend. Cho. She moved to Paris and I sent an owl to her about an hour ago. She replied and said we could stay in her holiday house" he says, rather calmly.
"Wait, do you still like her?"
"No of course not!" He looks at the floor and I see his cheeks blush furiously.
My heart sinks. Oh well, he would never like me the way I like him anyway, it's time I get over him.
Should I tell him? Just to get over him? It was worth a shot.
"Yes Mione?"
"Ummmmm... I don't know how to put this"
"What is it?"
He looks deep into my eyes and seems to be searching them. For what? He seems concerned. Anxious even. Maybe he did care? Oh Harry, was it really worth taking a risk with our friendship? Your sweet, I'm sour. We'd never fit. I'm a piece of a jigsaw that came from a different set. Here goes nothing
"I'm in love with you"
Sorry for not updating in a while! I can't decide. Should Harry be with Jo for a bit then Hermione, or Hermione all the way? Hmmmmmm you choose!
Tysm for 390+ views! In the last update it was almost 300!!!
Honey out 👅
Stay pottery my potterheads
*flies in Arthur Weasley's car up to your room and chucks glittery kittens all over you. And marshmallows*

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