chapter 1

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Tony stark had felt off since he returned from afghanistan. Really, he had felt off since he woke up in that cave, but at the time he thought it was the giant hole in his chest with an electro magnet stuck inside.

But no it had been something else that was bothering him, something he couldn't describe. A feeling of something being no quite right, his soul (which he firmly didn't believe in) being a bit too big for his body, this constant urge to be creating, building, inventing. The way he suddenly needed a bit less sleep than he did before.

Of course, his condition got a lot worse when the palladium started poisoning him. But something odd happened when he replaced the palladium core with his new element. Well, let me just tell you how it happenned.


With the new arc reactor firmly in his chest, Tony is rushing to the expo to stop vanko's murder bots. He is ignoring the odd feeling of power in his chest, one not quite related to the more powerful element in his arc reactor.

He fights hard, saves some people and is all around a badass the entire time. But the important discovery is made when he gets back home after.

He didn't notice at first that the odd feeling that followed him since afghanastan had grown more powerful. He had thought everything was back to normal, or as normal as his life can ever really be.

But then the door to his workshop opened before he even walked up to it. It was odd but he thought nothing of it.

"Thanks J" he mumbled, entering the workshop.

"That... wasn't me sir." Tony paused in the doorway, confused.

"What do you mean, it wasn't you?"

"I mean i had no part in opening that door boss." The sassy shit replies. But that made tony stop and think, if it wasn't Jarvis, then what had opened the door?

One of the bots, DUM-E, rolled up to him with a series of beeps.

'Boss ok?'

Tony startles, understanding what the bot had beeped? Said? He hadn't heard words but he somehow knew exactly what DUM-E was saying.

"Um, J? I think i might have hit my head at some point."

"All scans point to normal brain activity. Why do you say that?"

"Cuz I have the distinct impression I just understood what DUM-E just said."

'Boss not okay! Must help.' DUM-E expressed? Maybe?

The bot then rolled over to DUM-U and after a short. 'Help boss!' They were both on a mission to make what was probably the weirdest concoction known to man.

Tony burried his face in his hands. "J, I think I might be going insane." He grumbled.

The coffee maker across the room suddenly turns on. Tony looks up.

"J?" He questions.

"Still not me sir."

"...I think I need some sleep."

He then proceeds to pass out the moment he's in his bed and sleeps for about 2 hours when a nightmare wakes him up. He awakes to flashing lights and a statique noise coming from the speakers he has installed everywhere in the mansion. As he calms, so does the noise and flickering.

"Alright Jarvis, what the hell is happening."

"It seems you've developed some type of ability to contol electronics sir."

"Well, I better test it out then."

Tony then heads back down to the workshop, stopping to grab a small snack at Javis' insistence, and does what he does best, expiriment. It takes hours and he is positively exhausted by the end but he's learned valuable infomation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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