Temporary Author's Note

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Hi guys!

Just a quick note for my wonderful readers that have already dipped their toe into Asher's story and is now incredibly confused...

The short answer is yes; in a fit of creative whimsy I have completely changed the prologue.

I had a bit of fun figuring out exactly how I wanted to open Asher's story - I went back and forth over a couple of variations for chapter one. Then, once I'd settled on the best order to work I with put pen to paper, arguing incessently with my characters as usual.

After it was done, I found myself staring at the results for an unreasonable length of time. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that my original prologue didn't quite work as a prologue. (It does work as part of a chapter though, so I rearranged everything... again, and you'll see it pop up again in a week or so!)

In my personal opinion, this new opening fits the story much, much better so I really hope you enjoy reading it!

I'm still hoping to keep updating every Sunday after today, at least for the next couple of months. Chapter one will be published later this afternoon!

Really looking forward to continuing the Hunter Chronicles... As expected, Asher has more than a few surprises up his sleeve for us!

Shout out to -DeeIsDead- for their fabulous new cover! I hope you love it as much as I do!

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