Chapter 1-10

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Chapter 1

In March 1973, there were a few white clouds floating in the blue sky.

Duccio was led onto a tram, and the surrounding buildings did not stand up like the tall buildings of later generations. The most striking thing was the three-story department store in the distance, with five big characters written in red letters on a blue background - for the people Serve.

There are a lot of people in the carriage, and because the ticket is cheap and only costs three cents, even if it is not a weekend, it is still crowded.

After they passed through the crowd and found an empty seat, the woman who led Du Qiao into the car suddenly said: "The blind date for a while is a military doctor. Although he is seven years older than you, I heard from the matchmaker that the man is not only tall The spirit and the person are also very stable. When the time comes, you should be more enthusiastic. Don't be as quiet as you are at home. If you miss such a good partner, you will regret it later." Du Qiao turned his head to the side when he heard the sound, looked at Yuan Bing's mother, and said softly,

" Hmm" sounded.

Don't look at her calm on the surface, but she is very confused in her heart. Just an hour ago, she inexplicably passed through a book, and her identity is still the cannon fodder ex-wife of the male protagonist of Nian Wen.

In five minutes, she will go on a blind date with the male protagonist in the book...

According to the book, the male protagonist Qin Shaoyan is high-minded and compassionate, he is usually strict with himself, and does not like petty love. The dead grandfather had a similar personality.

She was an orphan, and was raised by her grandfather with strict requirements. When she grew up, she began to take care of the best relatives in the family for the grandfather who didn't know anything outside the window.

Now that she has finally worn a book, she doesn't want to go back to the old way.

Thinking about the tragic fate in the book, she wished she could jump off the tram right away.

However, jumping out of the car was impossible, and she still had to go on a blind date. If there is no blind date, Yuanchen's mother will commit suicide. Since she has this body, she has the obligation to take care of her family.

As the signboard in the distance was getting closer, the conductor reminded everyone with her high-pitched voice, "The department store is here! Passengers getting off the bus should get off quickly!"

"Qiao Er, let's go, we must remember what Mom said just now." Yang Chunmei was impatient, seeing Du Qiao walking slowly, she directly pulled her wrist and got out of the car.

The place of the blind date is a state-run hotel next to the department store. The matchmaker said before that the man will pay for the meal, so you can order whatever you want.

But Yang Chunmei knew that what people said were all polite words, so before entering the restaurant, she reminded her daughter in a low voice, "Just order a bowl of noodles for dinner later, and then you should be more reserved and eat slowly, you know?"

" Got it." Du Qiao blinked his eyelashes lightly, nodded obediently, and there was a flash of slyness in the moment when he lowered his eyes.

These days, the state-run restaurants are overcrowded by noon, and they were afraid that the environment would be too noisy for a blind date, so they deliberately made an appointment at two o'clock in the afternoon, just after noon, which was a good time to talk about things.

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