Chapter 91-100

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Chapter 91

Every evening during this period, the kitchen of Duccio's house would emit a strong smell of Chinese medicine.

When the neighbors smelled it, they knew that it was time for Dr. Qin to take medicine again.

There are two sets of traditional Chinese medicine soup for treating hand injuries, one can activate blood and dredge collaterals, and the other can connect bones and tendons.

It is also very particular when boiling traditional Chinese medicine. If the fire is too high, the time should be counted in seconds. The first thing Du Qiao does after get off work every day is to boil Chinese medicine for Qin Shaoyan.

Wang Zai doesn't like this kind of bitter taste, and he will hide away when making medicine, but Little Toffee likes it very much, every time he will move a small bench and sit by the side to watch, until he sees that the medicine is boiled. Walk.

This surprised Du Qiao, so he asked her: "Do you like Chinese medicine very much? Do you want your mother to teach you?"

Little Toffee's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Yes! Mom will teach you!" "

Then the baby knows what medicinal materials? Why don't you tell mom?"

"There are perilla, mint and honeysuckle in the yard of my grandfather's house, and there are dandelions outside the yard."

She wrung her fingers and was still thinking hard, but this already surprised Duccio.

"Then do you know their efficacy? For example... tell me about the efficacy of honeysuckle?"

When Duccio asked this question, he also thought that the child could answer it, but in the next second, Little Toffee gave the correct answer.

"Grandpa said that honeysuckle is sweet and cold in nature, and can clear away heat and detoxify."

Zai Zai looked childish, but Du Qiao was shocked! She did not expect that her three-year-old daughter would inherit her grandfather's talent in traditional Chinese medicine.

"What else do you know? Can you tell mom about it?"

Next, Little Toffee told the attributes of other Chinese herbal medicines, and the answers were all correct.

"The little toffee is awesome!"

Although Du Qiao doesn't know medical skills, she has medical books. If the child is really interested in medicine, she will definitely support her with all her strength.

"When mom buys a copy of "Compendium of Materia Medica", you and your brother will study together, okay?

" That flattering little appearance immediately made Du Qiao laugh.

After the traditional Chinese medicine was ready, the little guy ran to Qin Shaoyan with a wink, "Dad, take the medicine!"

At this time, Qin Shaoyan was playing chess with his son, and he couldn't help but groan when he heard the word "take medicine". When Wang Zai saw his face, he smiled and shouted: "Mom, Dad is scared again! He is a coward!"

Qin Shaoyan glared at his son, knowing that he couldn't avoid it, he could only stand up slowly and go to the kitchen.

Seeing his virtue, Du Qiao couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Can you stop procrastinating like this every time? You have to drink it in the morning and evening, it's better to make a quick decision!" Qin Shaoyan touched his nose and picked up the

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