WoW, Now i even got a VBF

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Shocked will be a small word compared to what Nanon is feeling right now. That Ohm is in his college, in the cafeteria surrounded by students and most importantly his friends. He can't let anything happen to him. Before Ohm could say anything, Nanon stands and sprints towards Ohm grabs his arms and takes him to the bathroom not caring about the stares he is getting from students and his friends. He drags Ohm towards the locker room. Since during this time no one is there, students are in the cafeteria or in their respective classes or somewhere else.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Nanon said with a clear tone of anger in his voice.
"Wouldn't you like to introduce me to your friends? Since now i am living with you" Ohm simply replied with a smirk on his face.
"Don't drag my friends into this and how the hell are you even able to enter the institution" Nanon asked.
"My charms work on every gender" Ohm said with a wink.
"Oh i know very well, what you mean by your so called CHARM" Nanon said while recalling the events in the morning.
"Ahhh, you got me. Your guard now thinks I am a student here and some teachers as well, so now i can enter the institute whenever i want" Ohm explained.
"I really don't care, just let me make it clear you won't kill anyone here" Nanon said.
"Hey, hey calm down. Why do you think. Just because i am vampire I randomly kills people? We vampire do need blood and we do prefer Humans blood but the place that i came, we usually survives on Animals blood. So I ain't going to kill Random people. As for your friends they seems pretty cool people. So don't worry. Remember I just want to explore the city here" Ohm explained.
Nanon thinks for a moment and just nods his head.
"So now what? Are you going to stay here and take some classes here?" Nanon asked
"Nah, not today i have some work to do and i am topper in my academy. So if i skipped some classes no big deal for me"
"Wait a minute, you are a topper in what? You guys have academies? Aren't you guys are vampires?" Nanon was genuinely curious he just thought they live in those dark dusty mansion with coffin as bed.
"I am pretty much sure you think this because of those terrible movies, they have a habit to give us a poor old representation. Vampire deserves better representation as well. As to answer your questions. Just because we guys isolated from humans that doesn't mean we didn't evolve. Just like humans we guys also evolved, we are well aware of modern day human technology. So yeah we vampires also goes to study but different things like science and potions" Ohm explained.
"Oh so even Vampires aren't saved from schools" Nanon said.
"Nope, and i have to go now" Ohm said.
"Wait but why the hell you calle me BABE in front of my friends, now they think i am dating someone" Nanon said with clear annoyance.
"It's better isn't me living with humans and having a partner as well. And your friends won't force you to date as well, and plus we already did what two lovers do" Ohm said.
"Let me make it clear we aren't dating, yes you are good in bed but I ain't going to sleep with you again, as for the dating part it's not a bad idea, ..... So yes you and i fake dating in front of my friends" Nanon said.
"Okkk done, as for sleeping again part we will see, I'll make sure you will beg me to sleep with you sweetheart, now I am leaving bye babe" Ohm said and in a blink of second he was gone.
"This guy, what am I going to do with my life" Nanon said to himself and heads towards the cafeteria thinking how he is going to explain this to his friends
When Nanon arrived he was by two glaring monsters that looks they are about to devour him. And those monsters were none other than his friends.
Nanon gulped and headed towards the table praying for his life.
"Bitch, You have 3 minutes to explain" Chimon said.
"And we need every single detail" Love said.
"Okay, okay let me explain" Nanon said.
"Bitch you will" Love said.
"Okayyy, as you know, i go to this bar. So i met him an-" Nanon was interrupted.
"Him who?? He better have a name" Chimon said.
"Shut Up Mon, let him speak" Love smacked Chimon's head.
"Okay his name is Ohm. He is not from this city, he lives to the city that right next to ours, he came here for a course. And he came here for a course. So he also used to go my favourite bar, i found him attractive and we hooked up and he was so good in bed. And I don't know we just clicked. So we are now quite going out. And the reason i didn't tell you, was because i wasn't sure myself. I thought it might be those flings of mine, but now it's more" Nanon explained.
Than it was silent for a full minute. Both his friends are just staring at him like a student looking at his question paper for the first time. Nanon was never this scared in his life. He was just praying that his friends to believe his story.
"Okay, So are you guys dating?" Love asked.
"We still haven't made it official, but he has joined this institute" Nanon said while rubbing his neck.
"It's good that you aren't dating, because he needs our approval first" Chimon said and Love nodded her head.
"Guys he is quite sh-" Nanon was interrupted.
"So you aren't going to introduce your would-be boyfriend, like are you going to ditch our years of friendship" Chimon said in a dramatic tone.
"Guys of course, I'll introduce to you, tomorrow is it fine" Nanon asked.
"Okay tomorrow we are going to meet this Ohm, who won the heart of our friend" Love said.
"Guys look what time is it. My next class is soon. And i don't want to be late so bye bye" Nanon said picking his Fried Rice that was sent by Ohm and his bag and he left.
"He is clearly lying" Chimon said.
"For sure, ain't no way he would date someone this easily after his ex" Love added.
"So let's meet this Ohm guy" Chimon said.

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