Jacob Peters

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(Still Devin's POV)

The bell rings and Elaine is still sleeping. I wait a few seconds before opening the door so all the kids can go. Mr. James comes in, "Devin, is she feeling better?"

I smile as I look at her, "Yes, she ate the snacks I brought her and then she decided to take a nap because she had a bad headache," Mr. James smiles, "I think I might bring her to her house. She had a rough day."

Mr.James nods his head, "I can give you a pass if you'd like so you don't get yelled at?" I smile, "That would be great thank you Mr. James."

He grabs a sticky note on his desk, writes down Elaine and Devin, Allowed to go home, the current time and then he signs his name at the bottom. I smile as he hands me the pass. "Thank you Mr. James." He smiles back at me, "Do you need help taking her to your car?"

I bite my lip, "Sure, if you don't mind?" He just shrugs and we both put our arms around her, lifting her up.

I try not to laugh as we bring her outside, all the kids look at us like we're kidnapping her. We bring her to my muddy old truck. I unlock the passenger side and we set her in, pulling her seat belt around her. I turn to Mr. James, "Thank you for helping me. I hope you don't get in trouble for this."

He chuckles, "I hope not. Anyways, if she doesn't feel good she should go home." I nod and slide into the drivers seat. I wave goodbye to Mr. James and drive out of the school parking lot.

~15 minutes later~

I turn into the driveway of the old abandoned farm house and park in the back so no one knows we're here. I see the rusty dark blue convertible and smile, Jacob is here. He is my best friend, since first grade. I unbuckle Elaine, pick her up, close the passenger side door and bring her inside.

I set her on the couch and put a blanket over her. I walk to the bathroom to wash the sweat off my face but trip over something. I wince as I look at my knees that are now covered in blood and sigh. I turn around to see what I tripped on and frown, "Jacob?"

His tired expression and the pain in his eyes shows that he had a vision recently. I crawl over to him, "Hey? Are you alright?" A pearl shaped tear falls down his already tear stained face.

"Needle." He breathes, barely managing to get out. I frown for a moment then step into action.

I grab my school bag and rummage through it, trying to find a needle. I find my secret pocket, grab a needle, a band aid and rush back over to Jacob. "Okay Jacob, I found one, just hold still." I take his arm and find the place we are suppose to inject the needle. I stick the needle in his arm and inject it, pressing the band aid against the skin as I take it out.

He closes his eyes and falls into a deep sleep. I hate to see him suffer... I pick him up and carry him into the living room , setting him down on one of the cots. I find a pillow and some sheets, I put the pillow underneath his head and spread the sheets across him and frown, why couldn't he find a needle in time?

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