Chapter 10

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Ever since I saw Nick for the first time I knew I had crush on him. He was one perfect man walked out of magazine. I remember seeing him 3 times before he disappeared for 2 years. I remember when I got jealous when a guy jumped on him and when he kissed that guy I felt so jealous despite of seeing just once before that.

When I saw him for the first time it was my first day at work and the very first day some kids made fun of my size yes I am chubby but I still love myself but people have to be mean I always wondered if I ever want to date will anyone be interested in me?

But never in million years I thought Nick will be interested in me. Im short I have weight I have chubby face but Nick seems to appreciate me. So I am happy I even remember when a friend or more like a brother Philip found me this job he came to meet me days later he always squeeze my cheeks and that day he did it and Nick was there , Nick looked pissed but he smiled and walked out without taking his drink.

And that was the last time I saw him. But who knew one day we actually met again and that got us close together and when he shared the reason with me I felt bad because he seemed missing his brother and I remember seeing his brother when I saw Nick for the first time. Going to NY , going on a date and going to his home basically being with Nick is everything I never thought I need until I had it.

I love his parents I always had the urge to call them Dad and Papa but its wrong , right? Everything was fine yet the storm came in our life.

That guy Adam after he made fun of me he said he was sorry but deep down I knew he wasn't sorry.

On the very same day a while later I went to kitchen to drink water I felt someone behind me when I turned it was the devil himself.

"What are you after? His money?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Thats what you homeless people do right? Find a rich guy. And have you seen your self? He just took pity on you. We are family and you don't belong here , never did and never will. Just leave and go better yet kill yourself."

"Get lost."

"And you really think he will stick to you? its just a phase honey and soon you will be out of his life." Said in his Vemon sound.

"He is my boyfriend and he will never leave me." I glared at him he chuckled.

"You think so? Well if its between you and I , he will abandon you for me." He winked thats when Nick came we said we will be out soon he kissed me and walked out and As Nick walked out.

"Wanna see how you will be abandoned?" he took knife cut his foot and sat down and hissed and cried what a fake person he is. Thats when Nick came and picked Adam without looking at me. Adam smirked then faked his cry and Nick carried him out.

I didn't know what to feel so I informed Luke that I am leaving.

The next few days Nick told me he was busy and I understand because of his work but Adam didn't make it easy for me.

"Look how your busy boyfriend doing."

Text attached with picture where Nick was using his phone.

"He doesn't need you."

"You worthless fatty."

"Go where you belong to and its not here."

"Stay away from our family."

There were a lot of texts and pictures but one that broke me is a picture of Nick just in towel his back facing camera and Adam holding his hard member in his hand. Anyone seeing this can think they just had a sexy time. I completely broke down I hated everything including my self and my body. I cried and only thing I could think of that now Nick abandoned me I don't want to live.

I wrote him letter just so he knows I love him so much and after that I kept it under my phone I took some pills and had them all together and there was broken glass and I split my wrist after a while slowly slowly my eyes close all I thought of was Nick.

I love you Nick..............



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