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Rose POV

I walked out of the diner holding Abigail.

We started getting closer to the apartment we live in. I swear it feels like someone is following us.

I get to the apartment. I feel like I'm being watched so I start panicking to unlock the door.

I finally unlock it and walk inside. I lock all three locks on the door. I lock all the windows.

I sit down on the couch and think how easier my life would be if we went back to United Kingdom.

My aunt would help with Abigail. I could go to college and get a better job.

I could be with my family.

My thoughts are interrupted by a loud crash.

I grab Abigail and we go sit in a closet.

I call the cops.

Police- 911, whats your emergency?

Rose- Someone is in my house

Police-Okay mam, what is your address?

Rose- Scenic Drive, Cedar Village Apartment #3

Police- okay we are sending units to your location

Rose- Thank you

I hang up and call Jessica.(a/n Jessica is her friend) I think she is at work still but she will atill answer.

Jessica-Yello (a/n not a typo)

Rose-Jessica I need you to come and get Abigail


Rose- There was a break in at the apartment and its not safe for her to be here


Rose- i know please come and get her

Jessica- your coming too

Rose- No I'm not


Rose- Fine

Jessica- Thank you

I hang up and peek through the crack of the door. I see the cops are here thank god.

I walk out with Abigail. The cops tell me they arrested the intruder. I staryed crying because I was so scared especially for Abigail.

I see Jessica walk up with the 4 hot guys from the diner.

I run to her and start crying even more. She starts rubbing my back. She is the only person who knows about my whole past.

I notice the boys staring at me.

The one with good eyebrows asks, "Are you okay?" Yeah I'm perfectly fine other than the fact that my house was broken into and I could've died.

"I could be better" i tell him

"Well as long as your okay" the blonde says


" Are you gonna stay with me?" Jessica asks me. The boys waiting for my answer.

"I was thinking, maybe I should go back home...." i trail off

"This is your home" the boy with tattoos say

"You mean home as in United Kingdom?" Jessica says. the boys expressions change.

I just nod.

"I think its better if Abigail is with her family and is safe. If I go I might not come back" i say

" I'm gonna miss you lots. But make sure you don't make anymore babies. That would be bad." Jessica says. i hit her side. She wasn't supposed to mention how I had a baby. the boys looked so shocked.

"Wait you have a kid?" not a shocker." the boy with brown hair says.

That brought tears to my eyes. No one knows what happened to the baby except for Jessica.

Jessica covered his mouth so he doesn't say anything else.

"Sam I suggest you be quiet" Jessica says. so his name is Sam.

"No Jessica let him speak so when he finds out the truth he can feel like an asshole." i say

"The little slut is gonna cry. how sad. couldn't keep your legs closed. what a whore" he says. those words hurt me so much. more tears. now they are streaming down my cheeks.

"You done Sam?" Jessica asks. he nods. she gestures for me to speak.

"Yeah Sam I got pregnant. you know why? no well let me tell you. i got raped by my best guy friend. but guess what Sam? It turns out I had a miscarriage. that baby was the best thing that could have made my life better. but no. someone decides to drug me which caused the miscarriage." i was sobbing so much. they just looked at me like i was crazy.

Jessica gave me a hug.

"You really wanna move back?" Jessica asks.

i nod

"As long as your happy I'm happy"

But little did she know I wasn't happy.


So yeah that just happened. Anyways make sure to vote and comment and share and follow me. thanks


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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