013 | spark of fatal attraction

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Ash read the text Paul had sent him. It asked about the plan of going to Hawaii. He unread the message and left the phone on the table. Serena had yet to come from the hospital. It had been three hours already since she left and his office had been still and silent. He had finished the paperwork and was going over random letters, waiting for her. It had been years since he worked relentlessly like a machine but it was the first time when he felt bored. 

It was never boring with Serena around. She had the most vivid expressions and her doe eyes spoke more than her mouth. It was fun peeking at her from the corner of his eye, almost straining himself from doubling over in laughter when she would mess up and start again from the beginning. He could practically see clouds of gloom hanging above her head. But he had to give the credit; she was a quick learner. She had adapted faster than most would. Ash liked how she gave him an unexpected surprise every now and then. 

"Ash, can I come in?" Serena's soft voice reached his year. Ash immediately sat up straight, ignoring the thumping in his heart as he allowed her to come in. The honey blonde plodded in the room. Ash's breath hitched in his throat as he took in her appearance. She was wearing casuals and it suited her, perfectly. Her blondes were pulled in a ponytail and she was clad in a lavender top and high-waisted jeans with a maroon cardigan pulled over her shoulders. Her pumps clicked with every step she took. 

"I am sorry for being late" Serena apologized, worry etched on her face. Was she worried that she had made him wait for long that she didn't even stop to change her dress? Ash smiled at the thought as he shook his head, motioning her to take a seat. Serena politely thanked him and sat opposite him. 

"No worries. I had paperwork to do anyways" He lied, trying not to make her feel guilty over nothing. Switching the topic, he asked her. "Well, so what have you decided?" 

It was obvious what he was referring to. Serena smiled happily. "I think I am taking you up on that offer"  

"Really?" Ash asked, surprised. It wasn't like he was expecting a totally negative answer but to think that she had agreed so easily to leave her best friend behind was kind of different from his thoughts. What the hell happened? He raised a questioning brow but didn't ask further. He was already glad that she had agreed and he didn't want to overstep the boundaries. Somehow, the thought of them having boundaries made him disappointed. 

"Yes, it is my first time flying. I am so excited" Serena chirped like a giddy teenager. She just couldn't sit still and her blue eyes shone enthusiastically, radiating optimism and excitement. Ash had heard that eyes gave away things more than words could ever express but it was only after meeting Serena that he understood their meaning properly. It was different from the cunning and diplomatic people he met everyday. They would smile warmly, as if they had never hoped for him to be gone. It made him sick. 

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