. ·:*¨ [ COMFORT ]¨*:· .,

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I made this like, yesterday, some peeps already read this so Imma just add this here too.

To the peeps who have read this in that one Google Doc I made, shhh, i also edited this a bit so wa-

To the peeps who have read this in that one Google Doc I made, shhh, i also edited this a bit so wa-

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The news about the King has been announced in the day, and the people are already in a panic moment and grieving for their lost ruler. Now that has been shared, their thoughts have questioned if the king's son will take the place of the new ruler.

In truth, Alux isn't ready

He wasn't ready, to begin with, he still has a lot to learn. He can barely hold a kingdom together at this point and he was still young, so young that people could still think of him as a child.

Alux would admit that he wasn't ready, and the pressure of becoming the next ruler aches his head, he shut his eyes closed and tries to ignore the feeling but it was just too strong. Despite the relationship between him and his father being just as distant as the clouds and the grass, Alux still loved his father no matter what.

Consider still caring about him too, yet the relationship became stoic as his father tries to make him focus on his royalty studies of becoming the new ruler of the kingdom. He and his father would have cold moments during a conversation, misunderstandings here and there but Alux cared less, he loved his father still despite the cold gestures.

He may never understand why his father would isolate him from the world, he thinks it's for his safety of the world, but on the other hand he thinks hid father would see his behaviour be more immature than ever.

But even so, hearing the news of his father being killed in an ambush hurts him, he was left alone now.

Alux huddles himself under the covers more, gripping the soft fabric and never letting go, he doesn't want to get out of bed, he doesn't want to get out of his room at the moment. He would care less if he skips breakfast, he's not in the mood to eat anyways. He only gripped the covers tightly as he heard a knock on his door.

He groaned in annoyance " Leave me alone, I’ll pass on breakfast. "

" Uhm- It’s me, Petro. "

Alux shifted from his bed, he didn’t even turn around as he heard the sound of a creaking door open. He could’ve sworn he locked the door, now this was the second time Petro was able to enter the room uninvited, but he cared less about that now. Petro was still standing by the doorway, scanning the room before entering.

The windows were shut close with the blinds covering the glass, the room was dark but the only thing that lit up the room was the small lantern, the small flame still lit up and was on the night desk near the bedside. The whole room was slightly dark, the books were scattered on the floor, along with papers and a pine-colored silk cloak, the boy was somewhat familiar with the cloak for some reason.

Petro soon laid his eyes on the bed, seeing the brunette covering himself with the blue bedsheets of his bed and facing the cobble wall instead of him. Petro remained silent for a moment before sighing, he closed the door from behind- and this time locked it for their privacy reasons- and walked over to the side of the bed. In all honesty, Petro never knew anything that had been going on with Alux’s life with his father and in his castle, but knowing that both his parents passed away is harsh for him to process.

He was the prince’s first ever friend ever since they met, and they were both 14 when they met. Petro was his only friend ever since then.

Dealing with isolation within the castle walls was something that Alux never liked, but he had no choice anyways since it was his father’s orders and there was no other way to change that matter.

There were also some things that Petro would know about Alux’s weakness, grief and pressure. Though it seemed like he moved on with his mother’s passing, now his father has been murdered during an ambush and knowing that Alux is the only son of the King, this means that Alux would take the higher role now.

Petro knows that Alux couldn’t handle the higher role yet, let alone isn’t ready at the moment.

Alux shifted from his bed, not letting out a single sound, he doesn’t want to face Petro now, not at the moment he was crying like a damn child. He heard a soft sigh, before feeling the side of his bed dip with some weight.

" I apologize if I barge in all of the sudden, I wanted to see you after hearing the news. I got worried. " Petro muttered his words out as he faced down on the floor, his hands fidgeted on his lap, and both of the boys were facing away from each other. The Prince didn’t reply, he stayed quiet, and his friend understands that. They both stayed silent but it was slightly comfortable.

" Why? "

Petro hummed in confusion, turning around a bit to Alux. " Pardon? "

" Just.. why? " Alux repeated himself, still refusing to turn around to face the other, his voice tuned with sadness and raspy, sounding a little too deep for Alux’s liking. " You always stuck around me ever since we met, making sure I was okay and well, even defended me for any type of argument and won’t hesitate to put up a fight and give someone an earful amount of words if someone messes with me. Even accepted me for… choosing to be masculine and be proud of who I am. " Alux trailed off with his words, and Petro shifted on his sitting position as he faced over to the prince on the bed.

" It confuses me why you’re still around, I thought you would be annoyed by me at some point- "

" Alux I would never be annoyed by your presence. "

Alux buried his face down on the pillows that his head laid down, he doesn't want to tesr up again, not when his friend around. " Alux I would never think of you of something low and anything awful about you. You may not be in the right mindset with these types of things but I want you to know that I never would think of anything negative about you. Sure you may sleep over on your schedule but that’s nothing to me. " Petro muttered the last sentence on his breath, giving a slow shake of his head as he remembered what happened yesterday.

The Prince finally turned over his body to face Petro, greeted by the genuine look on his friend’s face. They both stared for a moment before Alux sat up and rubbed his eyes for a moment and sniffled, he pulled his knees close with the blankets pulling over to him. Even when the room is slightly dark, the light from the lantern was enough to see the red and puffy eyes of the prince.

" Do you want me to provide you with anything?  "

" …. Would a hug be okay? " The Prince asked softly, nervous. He was hesitant to ask that really, now he's acting like a 5 year old. No wonder his father still think he's immature now with that side of him.

" Of course Alux. "

Petro opened his arms as he let Alux lean in, Alux’s head rested on his friend's shoulder and his arms lazily wrapped around Petro as he tries to bring him close. Petro did the same, his hands starts a patting pattern on the prince’s back as he hummed. Alux ducked his head down on the shoulder, his strength returning as he hugged his friend close, not letting go anytime soon.

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