Simply Divine - Part 7: All

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The divines were arguing again.
All but Vox. Kel knew he was probably secluded somewhere either on Al'Terra or in his quarters, singing sad songs and mourning. Honestly, he was starting to feel for the guy. Being alone sounded awfully good right now compared to listening to his brothers bicker like children. 
Suddenly, a faint, echoing voice filled the chamber.
Bek's eyes found Kel's. "Oh no."
The young human materialized in the room like a sand sculpture blowing away in reverse, looking for all the world like a feral cat who had been dropped in the bathtub. Their chest heaved. Their eyes were wild, their hair disheveled as they stood in a stance with their knees bent and arms apart like someone had thrown a bucket of water on them.
They spun around, completely ignoring the six divines staring at them. "You MOTHERFUCKER! SHOW YOUR FACE!" they screamed.
Nix appeared next, looking as flashy and perfectly groomed as ever. He blew the human a kiss, to which Kel could see smoke practically coming out of their ears.
"Welcome to our home, human," he declared.
Aspen didn't spare it a glance. They advanced on Nix with fire in their eyes, spitting mad.
"How dare you yank me up off the street and teleport me to your stupid fancy home, right after sexually harassing me. Why the FUCK would you bring me here?"
Nix gestured to their right. "I thought my brothers would want to meet you."
The human froze, then turned. Slowly. To see five more divines with all of their attention focused directly on them. Their face went white, then red, then white again.
"Oh, shit."
Fuck. Shit. Fucking hell.
My eyes darted to each of the divines in turn.
Rex looked made of stone. His face was full of threatening authority that made me immediately want to kick him. It wouldn't be hard to destroy that false composure and reveal the nastiness and brute rage that lurked underneath. Bek looked shocked. His honest face showed surprise and worry, and his invocations were pulsing with faint red light. Daz looked psyched up. He grinned at me with that cocky million-watt smile. He leaned on an elbow that rested on Kel's shoulder, looking extremely entertained and eager to see what I would do next. Kel was unreadable, and I didn't look at him for long.
Leo's gaze was cruel and analytical, and that, combined with the weight of the others' gazes, pressed down on me.
I caught myself starting to shrivel up and pushed my shoulders back with a deep breath without looking away. I chose Rex to focus on, since looking at him caused anger and instinctive defiance to overshadow my fear. I crossed my arms, immediately felt small, and uncrossed them. Then I crossed them again.
"Oh look, it's the rainbow gang," I shot at them, venom coating my tone. I felt my crossed-arm "don't mess with me" posture becoming more of an "arms wrapped protectively around oneself" scared animal posture and made my face fierce, figuring if I was going to be a frightened animal, I'd show them how bad an idea it was to corner one.
Rex stepped forward. I almost flinched but managed to turn it into a... well, nothing, actually. I flinched, then promptly hated myself for it.
"Nix, what have you done?" he said in a deep, rumbling voice like an oncoming storm.
Nix struck a pose. "What does it look like, Rex? I brought this lovely creature here!"
I bared my teeth. I started to back towards the wall, noticing how four pairs of eyes tracked me while the other two had a silent standoff. Rex and Bek were now facing each other, eyes locked, faces tight and firm. Bek looked determined, while Rex looked like the teacher about to sentence the whole class to detention because a few idiots were acting out. Neither of them looked at me, though Bek seemed like he wanted to.
My eyebrows furrowed. I wasn't earning any points by backing away, so I stood still.
"Nix, you brought the human here?" Bek exclaimed, dismayed.
"Damn right," he said proudly.
Kel stepped away from Daz and pressed a hand to his forehead, looking tired. I stopped and stood up straight, realizing something.
Some of the hostility faded from my face, and I let it. Questions were more important, plus they kept me sane.
"There's one missing. Where's Vox?"
Leo rolled his eyes. "You think we all gathered here in anticipation of your arrival? You truly have an inflated sense of self-importance," he snorted.
I stared him down blankly. "No, of course not. None of you even knew I was coming, so that comment holds no logical weight." I threw all of my sass into it, hoping it would hide the way my hands were shaking.
Leo scoffed. Daz guffawed.
"Okay, maybe bringing them here wasn't such a bad idea," he laughed. "Leo, you've finally got someone to rival your sarcasm!"
I hid a pleased little grin and instead glared at him. "Don't you start, you over-celebrated lightning rod. Take me home!"
Daz laughed. "Man, I've missed you, sparky."
I gave him the finger.
"You're really going to let them talk to you like that?" Leo demanded.
"Yeah," Daz shot, grinning. "It's funny!"
"Funny? You think I'm funny? I'll show you funny, you-"
Magic wrapped around my throat as I took a threatening step towards the divine of storms.
I yelped as a green band of amorphous light dragged me backward and into the air.
I dangled from my head, gagging and panicking. Leo stood with his hand outstretched. Even through my horror, the snarky part of my brain saved a comment about him really liking to choke people to throw at him later.
"Watch your tongue before I rip it out of your mouth, you useless piece of rot," Leo said venomously.
"Getting- protective?" I choked out. Bad idea. The magic around my neck tightened, and the edges of my vision went dark. My muscles seized up as I was forced to stop struggling.
Bek ran in front of Leo, arms outstretched. His concentration broke, and I dropped four feet to the floor and landed in a heap. "Stop!"
I looked up, rubbing my throat and blinking water from my eyes, to see the divine of stars and light standing between me and his brother.
Leo looked nonchalant as he examined his nails. "I was just teaching them a lesson. You're not going to talk to us that way again, are you?" he asked me over Bek's shoulder.
I pushed myself up on my arms and snarled. "YES," I retorted loudly. "I wouldn't even BE talking to you if your- your- your pimp of a brother hadn't kidnapped me! Send me back if you don't want me here! I don't give a brush beast's left butt cheek!"
Bek shot me a look that said, not helping. "Leave them alone, Leo! Look what you did!"
He gestured to me in a heap on the floor, and I straightened, embarrassed. I begrudgingly stayed on the ground, thinking it would look stupider if I popped up now. My legs were weak and my head light, but I glared at all six of them nonetheless. My heart pounded in my chest, but I gladly embraced the annoyance.
"Come on," Daz interjected. "They're entertaining! Besides, look at 'em. They can't hurt us. It's kinda cute watching them yip at us like an angry squirrel."
I swelled, outraged. "Yip?" At this, I did stand up, shoving myself to my feet and balling my fists.
He gestured at me. "See?"
Daz stepped casually beside Bek, between me and Leo. "I say we keep the human. If we send 'em back now, they'll run around telling everybody the divines kidnapped them."
"No one will believe them," Leo sneered.
"Maybe they won't, but it'll still cause a fuss," Nix added, finally joining the conversation after watching everybody else whip themselves into a frenzy. "Besides, it's boring watching you guys fight over what to do with them. Doesn't this satisfy everyone?"
"How exactly does it do that?" asked Rex disdainfully. He stepped closer to me, and I involuntarily took a step back, eyes sharp and analyzing.
"Bek wanted them unharmed. We can do that, as long as they behave. Daz likes the mortal; he thinks they're a riot. Keeping them here would keep him happy. Might save lives, too, if he doesn't need to blow things up for entertainment. Rex and Leo wanted them punished, and I don't think they're too happy to be here, do you?" Nix cooed, smirking.
I gritted my teeth. I couldn't believe this was happening. They were actually considering this. Well, all except Bek, the only apparently decent one in the bunch.
I took a step forward, towards my adversaries and away from the ones that stood in front of me, but Bek just stepped around me again. I stepped around him with a warning glance, and he let it go with a sigh. I got my balance. Then I jerked back as Rex leaned forward threateningly, the front of a sort of circle of divines around me.
"I wanted this worm dead, not punished," he growled.
My eyes widened, but I glared.
"Well, no one else does." Nix clapped. "You're gonna have to compromise on that."
"Nix, you brought them here. You knew this would shake things up," he accused.
"Of course I did!" Nix crossed his arms and smiled, looking not at all apologetic.
Rex pinched the bridge of his nose. When he looked up, he examined the scene. Daz directly behind me, Bek behind and to my right, and Nix behind and to my left. Leo stood in front of me and to my right, and Kel watched us all from the corner of the room, leaning against the wall.
He seemed to realize that killing me now would start a brawl, much to my relief. Rounding on me, he leaned over me until Bek approached from behind, glaring until he backed off with a scoff. I stretched my neck out like hah, can't kill me.
Daz was the first to break the tension. "Pwease, Wexy? We'll feed them and water them and keep them out of trouble," he said in a baby voice.
"I'm not a stinking pet!" I rounded on on him, indignant.
"We can send them back whenever they get boring, wipe their memories and all," Leo acquiesced.
Fear shot through me, and I froze. No way was I having my mind messed with.
"You can't be serious. I want to go home!" I exclaimed.
"You should have thought of the consequences of your actions," Nix sang.
My anger was about to boil over, so I did the thing I thought would get under his skin the most. I made my face bored, turned my back on him, and crossed my arms at Rex. I looked the picture of a disinterested teen, which I knew would shock the divine who had probably been swarmed with attention since the dawn of humanity.
I didn't have anything to say as the oldest divine looked at me like an ant. In that moment, I realized how truly alone I was, up here in what looked like a pocket dimension with seven literal celestial entities. No matter how human they seemed, they weren't. I was alone.
For the first time, I broke Rex's gaze first. I looked down, hating myself as I did.
"You're a fool, Nix," Rex said. "Bringing this human here could put the entire multiverse in jeopardy. Have you forgotten what can happen if one of us leaves his post?"
"Oh, please, what am I going to do about it?" I snapped. "I'm just a helpless mortal, remember?"
Rex looked down his nose at me. "Yes. You are a helpless mortal. And you'd do well to remember it." The hatred in his voice was palpable, and it worked its way into the insecure side of my brain.
I gritted my teeth, feeling tears springing to my eyes. I looked as angry as I could, but I couldn't hold back the tide of terror and confusion and helplessness much longer before the dam broke entirely and I started either panicking or crying, or both. I tried to look bored, letting my gaze drift away from Rex like I didn't have a care in the world.
It landed on Kel, who I realized had already been watching me. I tilted my chin up, glaring slightly to the left of his head, but his sharp eyes missed nothing.
"Perhaps we should discuss this,"  he said finally. His soft voice made a dent in the conversation going on between Bek, Daz, Nix, and Leo during my stare-down with Rex. The divines turned to him.
"Fine," Rex said authoritatively, turning away from me like I wasn't worth his time. "This won't be solved with mindless bickering. We need to talk somewhere private, away from your little mistake's prying ears." He shot the last few words at Nix, who merely giggled smugly.
"Follow, brothers," he ordered, waving a hand and dissolving into a ball of orange light.
Leo dissolved from beside him, followed by Daz, who shot me one last grin as he turned to yellow light. Bek cast me a worried glance, and I shrugged, wide-eyed, as he too disappeared in a flash of red light. Nix took a step closer to me, but I stepped back with a side-eye like "don't even think about it." Pink light engulfed him as he winked.
I looked for Kel, but I was alone in the room. He must have become light when I wasn't looking.
With nothing else do do and nothing to distract me, panic rose up. I walked to the wall and slid down it. I put my elbows on my knees and took deep, gasping breaths. Now wasn't the time to let this get the better of me, not when the divines could come back at any time.
"What am I going to do?" I choked out.
I'd figure something out. I had to. It would necessarily be a good plan, but as my buried my face in my knees and tried not to start crying, I decided anything was better than feeling like this. I was already trapped far away from my home with ages-old beings capable of cause hurricanes with their damn sneezes, half of which hated me. I could either dwell on the helplessness of the situation, letting waves of emotion drown me, or I could lock all those feelings behind a wall until I was better equipped to deal with them.
I chose the second one, obviously.

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