Rescued by a Half-Bull - Part One

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Ch. 1: Gate to Al'terra
Look, I never wanted to meet a half-blood. Heck, I didn't even know they existed until about a month ago. But now, I couldn't possibly imagine my life without one. My story starts a month ago, when I was literally dropped into a world that I would have never believed existed.
Okay, hold on, let's take a few steps back. I guess my story really starts earlier that day, at Westhaven Academy.
"Alrighty, class. Those books I've placed on your desks are what you'll be writing your final essays on, so I want a comprehensive paper, please," said Dr. Glass, my English teacher. "I'm looking at you, Keyon."
My friend, Keyon Hill, laughed loudly and winked across the room at me. I made a face.
"Now, class dismissed." The bell rang right as he finished his sentence, as it always did. I swear, he had ESP or something. On the way out, Keyon caught up to me.
"Heyo!" he called gleefully.
"Hey, Keyon!" I laughed at his antics and shied away from the attention his volume drew. Keyon was an unapologetic @sshole, but he was my best friend. We'd gotten into so much trouble over the years, I'm pretty sure neither of us know who's the bad influence anymore.
"Ugh, I can't believe he called me out in class like that. Again. Heh, and I dunno what he's talking about. All of my papers are par excelente," he said in a silly French accent, and chuckled.
I laughed. "You didn't even finish the last one-"
Keyon interrupted. "Oh yeah, uh, what book did you get for your final?"
I showed him the book Dr. Glass had thrust across the desk at me earlier, a dusty old tome that looked like it was falling apart at the seams. It had an odd symbol on the leather cover that looked like a kind of rune or glyph, and the title was written in a stereotypical Norse runic font.
"Ugh, that book looks legit creepy, all that tarnished leather hanging off of it. Looks like something you'd see in, like, a witch's hut." He snorted, and I nodded in agreement.
"I know, right? And look at the title." I held up the crusty old book for him to see.
"It's called the "Gate to Al'terra." Sounds like some weedy sh!t," he said in a singsong voice.
"Keyon! Language!"
"Yeah. Mines just some book called "The Watcher's Game." I think it's about, like, a group of creepy scientists that use a school to secretly study monsters. Blecch, who comes up with this sh!t, am I right?"
I couldn't resist a smile. "Sounds like a good read, actually."
"Welp," Keyon said, "I know you're probably on your way to the library right now to start reading as soon a possible-" I grinned; he knew me so well. "-sooo I'll just leave you to it and go home and procrastinate mine."
"Hah, have fun."
"See ya!"
Keyon navigated through the hall and out of sight, and I turned and made my way to the stairs.
In the library, I set the book carefully on a desk and began flipping through the pages. What- I can't even make most of it out! As I scrutinized the faded words, trying to make sense of it, the pages started turning faster. I jumped back in surprise. There was no breeze in the library, so why were the pages turning? As I leaned closer to observe, the pages began to glow with golden light.
I jumped back in disbelief, my mind whirling, as what looked like a cut in midair tore open before me. I watched in fascinated disbelief, but as the tear got bigger, revealing blue sky behind it, I felt a force pulling me towards the cut like it was a black hole. There was no time to process what was happening. I couldn't hold onto anything, couldn't even scream as, in an instant, I fell into the rip in space.
I tumbled wildly through air, eyes squeezed shut and heart pumping faster than I could ever remember it beating before. I prayed this was all a dream, but as I felt myself falling faster, my eyes shot open. I caught a glimpse of clear blue sky dotted with clouds,  and, as I tumbled, wheat fields.
Wheat fields that I was falling into at terminal velocity.
A scream ripped through my throat as I crashed into the stalks and hard, dry earth. Agony shot through my leg for only a second before my head hit the ground and consciousness fled.

Ch. 2: Private Property
Mmphh... everything hurts.
"Hey. Wake up."
"Wha..." My eyes opened on instinct. I turned my head and immediately regretted it as it throbbed painfully. I squeezed them shut again.
"Oh good, you're still alive." The voice had a Southern accent, and it seemed rather disgruntled to find me here. Well, I'm not exactly thrilled either, buddy. "Where the hell did you come from?"
I groggily pushed myself up on one elbow, willing my head to stop spinning. "Where... where am I?" Why wasn't I at school? As my eyes cleared, the scenery around me took shape. Fields of crops stretched for acres in every direction, and to my left, a tall, snowcapped mountain range was barely visible in the distance. I made a face of intense confusion.
"Huh? What do you mean, where are you?" the voice said, reminding me of his presence. "As of right now, you're on private property. So, I dunno what kind of spell that was, but I don't appreciate unexpected visitors. So beat it."
Now, my head still hurt really bad, but I could have sworn he just said spell.
I turned to look at him, meaning to snap at him that I was injured, thank you very much.
My first impression was that he was a large, rather burly farmer with close-cropped ginger hair and guarded green eyes. He wore a faded green, old-fashioned shirt that was tight enough to show his rather large muscles.
Then my pain abated long enough to take a better look at his head, and my heart stopped.
The man had horns. Big old bull's horns curving right out of his head with no visible means of attachment. And right below them, cows ears with fur the same shade of orange as his hair twitched irritably. My eyes getting progressively wider, I noted what seemed to be a trembling tail poking stiffly straight down between his legs, with a coarse tuft at the end.
"Wh- why do you have horns? And a tail?" I gasped, struggling to focus through the pain.
He scoffed. "What do you mean, why do I have horns and a tail? Have you never seen a half-blood before?" The man (was he a man?)'s abrasive demeanor doubled in force.
I quailed back. "A what?"
He rolled his eyes. "You humans, with y'all uppity god complexes and sh!t. Look, I dunno why you just fell out of the sky and into my field, but like I said, I'm not the visitor type, so-"
I scrambled back as the stranger took a half step toward me. I immediately yelped as my vision went white. My body, particularly one of my traitorous legs, apparently didn't appreciate me trying to move. I whimpered.
"Oh, damn. You're bleeding quite a bit, actually. How high did you fall from?" The horned man demanded incredulously.
"I don't know..." the last word trailed off into a sob. I couldn't hold it any longer. I was confused and tired and my leg wanted to fall off and I was in a field with a COW MAN-
The next thing I knew, the man was gone. I lost most of what he said, but I heard him mutter something about not liking to see people hurt, even humans. What the crap? I wasn't going anywhere, so all I could do was sit there curled up in the dirt amid crushed cornstalks with spikes of pain shooting up my leg. In shock.
When the man returned, I had painstakingly pulled myself into a sitting position, with my legs stretched out before me. I had considered trying to run away, but even if I could go anywhere with my leg like... this... I had no idea where I was!
"Here. I've got some bandages and some medicines for ya."
"Prepared, aren't ya," I mumbled shyly.
"Well, yeah," he said, looking surprised. "When you live out here alone and far from the towns, you kinda have to be prepared for anything, so knowin' about medicine and first aid is a must to farm life," he said gruffly. "Buuut anyway- lemme get that leg of yours bound up."
I watched blankly as he approached me like I would a scared animal, then knelt and began wrapping a long roll of bandages around my leg, applying some weird glowing blue gel to the fabric as he worked. I tried not to hiss in pain, but I don't think I was very successful. I just sort of watched, feeling like my eyes couldn't stretch any wider if they tried.
"Uh, hey," the cow man interrupted my reverie. "You seem a bit shaken up and confused. Mind telling me what that's all about?"
"I- I don't know where I am, or, uh, how I got here," I said shakily. I focused on taking slow, deep breaths and puzzling things out in my head.
"You don't know where you are or how you got here?" he said, shaking his head. "Well, that sure seems like a predicament."
"Yeah," I agreed, breathless and frightened.
"Well, if- if I can help, you're near the southern coast of the continent of Al'terra." The man sat on his feet. He was still much taller than me, but now he was a little closer to my level.
"The what?" I'd thought I had been kidnapped or something, but now I was forced to entertain the possibility that I was- what, exactly? Abducted by aliens? Hallucinating?
"You... don't know what that is." After a long pause, the horned stranger looked at me anew. "Where exactly are you from?"
"Uh, Earth??" I exclaimed. I was gonna feel really ridiculous if this was Earth, but I was starting to have the horrible suspicious it wasn't.
"Earth?" The cow man said. "Never heard of it. But, if you don't know about this place, how d'ya reckon ya got here in that... less than graceful manner?"
"I- I don't know," I said numbly. He'd never heard of Earth? "The last thing I remember... I was reading in the library?"
"Hm. The last thing you remember was sittin' down and readin' a book? Like a tome?"
That was what I had called it, but it couldn't actually be one.
"That could explain the spell rift, that you fell from," continued the farmer. "I mean, I'm not well trained in the ways of magic, but I know a spell when I see one."
"Magic is...real?" I whispered in wonder.
He looked at me with striking green eyes filled with wariness (which was ironic, since I was a diminutive, shy woman with antisocial tendencies and an injured leg), and rubbed his stubbly chin with one hand.
"So let me get this straight. You're from another world."
"I guess," was all I could say.
He snorted. "Damn. That's crazy."
"There's no one like you where I come from," I hinted, hoping he'd tell me what he was without me having to ask.
"What? There aren't any people who look like me from where you're from? You mean half-bloods n' demihumans?"
Oddly, he sounded a lot less suspicious and hostile now that he thought I wasn't from his world. I wonder why that is.
"...sure," I said breathlessly.
"Huh. Sounds like a terrible world. Only humans, eeecchh."
I laughed in disbelief, then grimaced as the tiny movement sent pain rocketing through my leg. "What's your name?" I asked through a muffled groan.
"Hm? My name?" The bull man- I mean half blood- seemed hesitant. "Well... you tell me yours first," he demanded.
"Oh, okay; it's Brunhilde Marley. Brun."
"R-really? Just like that," he said, surprised.
I shrugged.
"Well, okay. I'm- Duke. I guess it's... nice to meet ya, otherworlder. I'm just some cattlefolk farmer who lives out here to enjoy the peace and quiet. In this world, the strong rule the weak, but I prefer to live on my own terms. So I live alone out here under no one's thumb. 'Specially the humans."
He glanced at me sideways and saw my worried brows. "Oh, uh, I didn't mean that to you. It's just, the humans of this world aren't really the type to see and accept half-bloods as equals. They see us as a lower race, and so they think that makes us property. Slaves, pets, entertainment." What?! "For me, it's better to live alone than as a toy of someone else."
He grunted. "The whole reason I'm so distrusting of humans is because I belonged to one for the majority of my life. I was treated as a pack mule just because of my half side. N' when my old master got bored of me, he sent me to the arena, where all the half-bloods go when their usefulness is done."
I was horrified. Slavery? Arena? M@ster?
"But, to make a long story short, I got out, and I ran as far as I could, and my life has been peaceful ever since. And that's why I'm so... untrusting, especially of humans. This isn't just some fantasy, it's the real world I live in. Where if you don't wanna get arrested or hauled into a slaver's cart, ya can't trust anyone but yourself."
I felt abashed. "I'm really sorry you had to go through all that." I knew that meant nothing to him, but I had to say something.
"Hm. Thanks for your sympathy, but the only reason I told you this is because ya ain't from around here." Duke chuckled softly. "I guess I just needed someone to vent to. Thank you for listening."
"Not like I'm going anywhere," I mumbled with a half smile. Then curiosity got the better of me. "Um... can I... touch your horns?"
The bull man looked caught off guard. "Hm? You- what?"
"Can I touch your horns?" It came out softer the second time, since I was worried I'd offended the man.
"You wanna touch my horns?"
I nodded at the ground.
"I mean.. I guess so," Duke said. "You said there aren't people like me where you come from, so I guess this is your first time actually seein' a half-blood."
He leaned closer. Hesitantly, I reached out and ran my fingers along his left horn. It was smooth bone, ridged and curved just like a regular cow's horns would be.
"Wow," I breathed quietly. They were amazing.
"Yup, they're just like bulls' horns," he concurred awkwardly.
I couldn't pull my eyes away from the sight.
"Huh. You look so... mesmerized," he said. I pulled my hand back and looked away, embarrassed. "I- I mean, they're just horns, nothin' special. But I'm- I'm glad you think they're nice."
"S-sorry, I've just never seen anything like you," I murmured. "You're... incredible."
"Hm." Duke looked at me contemplatively. "I've never met a human who looks at a half-blood and sees wonder. You... you make me reconsider humanity. If there are more of them out there like you, maybe they aren't too bad."
I blushed and pressed my lips together. What was I supposed to say to that?
"Ah, m, uh- a-anyway, your leg should be fine now." Was Duke's face a little red? "Uh, give it a day or two and it should be right as rain."
"Thank you," I said.
"Um, I just realized, since you're not from this world, you probably don't have a place to stay, don't ya?"
"Yeah, I guess not." Was he going to invite me to stay with him? I didn't know how I felt about the idea of staying in a strange world with a strange man- bull- man-bull-guy-dude-thing... WHATEVER.
"Well, since you're not from around here, maybe this place is the safest for ya right now," he offered.
"Really?" I asked.
Shrugging, Duke said, "it's been safe for me. Seeing as how you don't know much about the rules of this land. So yeah. You can stay here if you want. Er, at least until you find a way back home. But you gotta earn your keep by helping me around the farm," he said, suddenly sharp- or trying to be. There was a softness around his eyes that betrayed him now that I looked closer.
"I will!" I eagerly accepted.
"I... I don't want you doing to much right now, since your leg still needs some time to heal, but the moonbells I put in your splint should kick in relatively fast."
"The what?"
"Yeah. Just, like, help in the fields and crops. Nothin' too fancy, but it's a nice life."
"Okay," I offered shyly. "I'm glad to help."
"O-oh. I hope it's not out of line for me to say this, but, I mean, well, you probably get this a lot from where you're from." At this point I was wondering if he was going to tell me my hair was tangled, or I had I giant pimple in the middle of my forehead, both of which I'd been told by multiple classmates today alone. "But... you're mighty easy on the eyes."
I flushed hot, and my eyes widened. That was definitely not what I was expecting to hear from somebody who minutes ago was telling me to get off his property.
"I- I mean- what I'm trying to say is... you, uh, have, uh, a very... nice lookin' face." At the thunderstruck look on my face, Duke's tongue malfunctioned. "D'ah, uh, um, I- I'm sorry."
"It- uh- it's fine," I stammered, not really having any idea what to say.
"Uh, human... can I ask you something?"
"Yeah, sure," I said, grateful for the change of subject.
"Do you believe in fate?"
"I uh I mean it's nothing really, I just... I haven't seen another living person in a while, and the first one I do... is a beautiful, nice, gentle human. Who looks at me, a... a demihuman, and sees something spectacular." I'm sure at that point I was bright red. Help help red alert, red alert, attractive bull man giving a compliment in the vicinity.
However, this particular bull man needed a boost in his self esteem. "You- you are spectacular," was all I said. A raindrop hit my face.
"Most people in my life have treated me as if I was something beneath them, but... you look at me as if I'm a person deserving of your attention." Perhaps noticing the way he was looking at me (of which I was already violently aware), Duke backed up. "I- I don't know these feelings, but the only thing I can think of is fate, but-"
Thunder crashed distantly. The occasional raindrop had now become a full-blown shower, and the dark grey clouds overhead spoke of an oncoming storm. I tensed.
"Oh, crap! We're gonna get stuck out in the storm if we stay out here too much longer," Duke said. "We should probably head back to the house; c'mon."
I tottered to my feet and hobbled after Duke, but the half-bull quickly left me in the dust. When he noticed how fast I had fallen behind, he returned to my side and placed a hand on my arm, steadying me.
"Here. We can make it back faster if I carry you," he offered.
"Oh, o-okay." The second I gave him permission, he swooped me up into his arms and set off towards a small house at the edge of the pasture. "Here we go."
I tried to make myself small in his arms while my cheeks burned from the close proximity to him.
Suddenly, the world flipped. Duke and I both yelped as we landed in the mud. I grimaced and wiped mud from my eyes and cheeks, but when my leg hit Duke's, I froze. The half-blood had caught himself over me.
"Oh! Are you alright?" I was lying on my back with cold, oozy mud soaking through my thin flannel and t-shirt, and Duke's arms on either side of my body kept me from rolling away. I blushed. "Damn, I forgot how slippery the mud was, especially when it rains out here, and-" he broke off with a sharp intake of breath. "I- I'm sorry if I'm too close. I didn't mean to catch myself over you like this."
All I could do was stare. Up close, his green eyes swirled with flecks of different shades, and the way the raindrops slid down the panes of his face made him look like a piece of artwork.
Duke's arms bend until his face was inches from mine. "But.. you... you look so... beautiful. When I'm looking at you this close..." A tingling sensation began at my fingers and toes. I couldn't process what was happening. "I've never met someone I've been able to truly trust, but... perhaps it's fate. Or perhaps you're a fallen deity. But I don't know why... I can't take my eyes off of you."
I couldn't say anything. What would I say, anyway? No one had ever acted like this towards me. All I could do was stare up into those verdant eyes and ignore the nagging voice in the back of my head that said, we just met ten minutes ago!!
"I'm completely enamored by you," he said, "and I hope I'm not too forward, but allow me to repay your kindness."
Repay my kindness- what's he- my thoughts faded into white electricity as his lips met mine. I squeaked involuntarily as he deepened the kiss, pushing against my mouth. Electricity was coursing through my veins, but my alarm bells started ringing loudly in my head. Reason overrode my gut feelings, and I reacted out of fear.
I lifted my mud-covered arms from the ground and shoved him as hard as I could. It did little to nothing, but the half-bull noted the touch and jolted back like he'd been stabbed.
"Uh- I- um- I'm sorry," Duke stammered. Indeed, he looked truly stricken, and I felt a jolt of guilt at the look on his face. "I just- couldn't help myself."
With that, any sympathy fled from my feminist-drilled mind. Was he serious?
"Couldn't help yourse- get off me!" I demanded.
"Uh- we should probably get back to the house. I think I may have some dry clothes that may fit you," Duke rambled with a bright red face, rolling off of me like I'd burned him. "Uh, this way." He gestured toward the house, and I stumbled towards it with a deep scowl.
He didn't offer to lift me again.

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