* prologue *

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"Okay, but what if it actually happens?" the beautiful girl currently in my arms, Maggie, looks up at me questioningly. "What if something happens to me? You'd still live without me." Her words are laced with laughter, letting me know that this isn't as serious of a conversation as it may have sounded. I just wrap my arms tighter around her and look at the fire in front of us as we sit on some logs in my backyard.

Some of our friends walk around us, listening to the loud music playing from the speakers. String lights hang from the tree branches, even though the moon would be bright enough to light up the entire sky on it's own tonight.

"I think you might have misunderstood me," I say barely above a whisper, not wanting any of the other people around us to hear and interrupt our private moment.

"How so?" She asks curiously. She turns back around in my lap to face the fire, so I lean in closer to her ear so that she can still hear my answer.

"When I said that there was no way I could live without you, I didn't mean in the sense that air would still be taken into my lungs and life would still flow through me." Her body tenses with a shiver as my lips brush across her ear and she takes in my words. I squeeze her tighter in my lap and lean closer to the fire, hoping she can find warmth in us both.

I think carefully on how to compose my next few words to her. "When I said that I couldn't live without you, I meant that everything inside of me that even feels like it's part of my life would be ripped away. Sure, I'd continue to breathe, but there would no longer be a reason to."

Her heart stops beating the second my mouth stops speaking. I know this, because I'm holding her so tight that I can feel the beats through her body and against my chest. She turns slightly to look at me, and it no longer feels like we're seated in the middle of another one of my Friday Night parties. It no longer feels like there are a couple dozen kids walking around us, mixed up in their own conversations.

It feels as if it's just us. Just Maggie and Wes. The girl I fell in love with the first time I saw her two years ago. She is the only person in front of me, the only person I need close to me. The only one.


One Week Later

"Wesley?" Maggie asks over the phone. It's 11:47pm, just a few minutes shy of midnight. I promised her I'd call her, since I was forced to spend the day taking my little sister, Lennon, to the zoo and couldn't see Maggie in person. We were both fighting hard not to fall asleep, but someone always lost. Most of the times it was her.

"Yeah babe?" I ask into the phone, trying not to let her hear me yawn.

"Do you believe in God?" Her question startles me. I sit up in bed and arch my eyebrows, even though she can't see me. Two minutes ago we were talking about how Lennon got too close to one of the fences at the zoo and her ice cream was licked by a giraffe.

"Why?" I ask her, not knowing where the conversation was coming from.

"Just curious, I guess," she mumbles.

"What made you ask that?"

"I guess I just wonder what classifies whether or not someone can get into Heaven." She has tears in her eyes. Even though she's in her bedroom, and I'm lying in mine a few miles away, I can tell that she's close to crying because her voice always does that thing where it barely cracks at her words, and she always whispers hoping that I won't notice. She doesn't like crying in front of me.

"Maggie, why would you want to know something like that? Is everything okay?" I ask worried.

"Yeah, everything's fine Wes. I'm just really tired, I think I'm going to go to bed. I guess you win again," she says barely above a whisper this time. I don't laugh at her like I normally do when she's the first one to sleep. Instead, I sigh.

"Are you sure you're okay, babe? I'm here if you need me, you know this." I'm still sitting up in my bed, running my fingers through my hair.

"Yeah, I'll be better in the morning."

Although I don't quite believe her words, I decide not to pressure her anymore into the conversation.

"Okay. I love you. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I love you too Wes, so much. I love you."

She hangs up.

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