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The sun is shining in through my window and I roll over, pulling the covers above my head, attempting to block it from my vision. Just as I'm seconds from falling back asleep, my alarm goes off. I stand up with a grunt, taking a second to adjust to the light and the weight of my own body, almost falling over as I stand up too fast.

I walk over to my closet and throw on the first shirt and pair of jeans I can find, smelling them to double check their cleanliness. I'd have to do laundry this weekend, I'm sure. After brushing my hair, brushing my teeth, and applying much needed deodorant for this Florida heat, I head out to the living room to make sure Lenny is awake. To my surprise, she has two bowls of cereal sitting on the counter.

She smiles up at me when she sees me enter the kitchen and scoots a bowl towards the other end for me. I sit across from her and grab a spoon from next to the bowl, taking small bites.

"Good morning," she speaks after a minute. I smile back at her.

"Morning, kiddo. Go get ready, we'll leave in 10 minutes." She nods her head at me and leaps down from her seat at the counter, setting her bowl in the sink before heading to her room. Once I finish eating, I set my bowl in the sink as well and rinse water over the both of them. After those are done, I walk back to my room to grab my phone and backpack, heading back to the living room to see Lennon ready for school.

She follows me out to my car after grabbing my keys off the hook. She opens up the back door and slides in as I run the full trash can from the side of our house to the curb for the trash guys to pick it up today. I walk to the driver's side and hop in before backing out of the driveway and heading to the Elementary school.

After dropping Lennon off, I start making the short drive to my school. I turn the radio on, which is a rare occasion, but turn it back off when I don't find anything that I know on any of the stations I have programmed. Most of the time, the songs just remind me of her anyway.

As I'm at the stoplight next to the school, I see her again. The girl with the book. She isn't reading this time, but she has two books stacked in her hands as she's crossing in the cross walk towards school. I mentally debate with myself about how far she must have to walk, unless she lives close to the school. I watch her as she walks straight ahead, not completely sure why she seems to catch my attention. A horn is honking from behind me, and I realize the light is green and I'm still stopped. The horn startles Audrey as she turns around, making eye contact the cause of the noise.

My car.

I suddenly put the car in drive and pull forward, thankful that she probably can't see who the driver is.

After two minutes of searching, I find a parking lot on the west end of the school and start walking to class. I'm early to science again, but I don't mind. Mrs. Conners doesn't seem to mind either, because her room is unlocked. I don't have friends with to talk to before class anyway.

"Welcome, Mr. Thomas!" Mrs. Conners says excitedly as I enter, and I'm not sure whether it's a good thing or a bad thing that she remembers my name.

"Morning," I say, half as excitedly as she did.

The boy with the glasses, Carl, walks into the classroom at that moment and seems surprised again that I beat him. Instead of taking a seat behind me like he had yesterday, he walks to the second row and takes the seat next to me.

"Hi," he says simply, setting his textbooks down on the desk and readjusting his glasses. I watch as he slides them up his nose.

"Hello," I say back, still watching him, surprised at his friendliness.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2015 ⏰

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