Prophecy and Politics

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DISCLAIMER: No one described in the chapters of this story relates to any living or deceased person in the real world. Any references to government titles and such are purely fictional.


The Hogwarts Magical Creatures' Sanctuary

"They really are the most misunderstood creatures, aren't they?" asked Luna Scamander, formerly Lovegood, softly. She regularly visited Hogwarts on weekends to spend time with some of the more exotic creatures, and that was where Harry Potter found her.

The Thestral calf slowly moved forward, eyeing the piece of meat in her hand hopefully. Luna smiled as she threw it on the ground. The calf hungrily devoured it, but not before bowing deeply towards the man with emerald green eyes standing before it.

"It's strange," frowned Luna. "I've never seen Thestrals act this way around anyone before. All of them bowed to you, and that is something Thestrals don't do at all."

Harry smiled softly. He knew why. Thestrals were creatures of death. They could sense who he was – the Master of Death. They were naturally inclined to respect him.

"Maybe it's another mystery for you and your husband to solve," said Harry. "How have you been, Luna?"

"I've been great, Harry, thank you!" beamed Luna. "Rolf and I are planning to open a hospital for magical creatures. It's sad that there are no healers who specialise in such areas anywhere in the country."

"That's a very good idea, Luna, I'm happy for you," praised Harry. Taking a deep breath, he spoke, "I'm afraid I'm not here for a social visit."

"I know. You're here for the prophecy."

"Yes. I was hoping you could explain to me what it meant."

Luna paused as she threw the last of the meat towards the Thestrals. With a flick of his wand, she cleaned her hand and vanished the bag. "Prophecies are very tricky to understand, Harry. They account for all scenarios and different people interpret it in various ways. Therefore, we have to analyse it in pieces."

Harry was silent as he gave her his undivided attention.

"The one with the power to restore balance has been chosen ... the one who has already fulfilled the terms of a prophecy, the one marked by the Dark Lord as his equal. The first part of the prophecy itself points to you. Remember, this is Sybill Trelawney, the same Seer who recited the previous prophecy that tied you and Lord Voldemort in destiny. You fulfilled the terms of her previous prophecy by defeating the Dark Lord. Also, as the prophecy stated, you were marked as his equal when he attacked you in 1991. With me so far?"

Harry nodded.

"He shall emerge at a time when the shroud of darkness is creeping along the horizon. This is more difficult to understand because anyone else would tell you that we are currently in a time of peace. Unfortunately, that is not true. In the magical world, yes, we don't really have another dark witch or wizard who wants to take over the government. Unfortunately, as you very well know, the Muggle world is very unstable at the moment. Should they start a war among themselves, it could be catastrophic. Even with former Minister of Magic Archer Evermonde's efforts to prevent wizards from getting involved, magical involvement did take place during the First World War. A small mistake then could have cost us the Statute of Secrecy. Unlike most wizards, I do study the developments Muggles have come up with. Should they start another world war, wizarding exposure is imminent. Their communication devices are a dangerous enemy."

"And exposure would lead to war," sighed Harry. "It'll be so easy for them to blame all their problems on us 'evil' wizards."

"Precisely," said Luna. "The ones cursed by Magic have begun their path to chaos ... the balance shall be broken, the secret ousted, and a holy war shall end it all. This is the part that confuses me. It is obviously referring to Muggles because there is no other secret it could refer to, at least from my point of view. But considering what I have seen in my vision, I'd like to believe that I am right. Cursed by Magic? I don't understand what that could mean. The balance refers to the relative peace between magical species and Muggles. For three hundred years now, the Statute of Secrecy has held. It has protected us from an all-out war. According to the prophecy, yes, the Statute will crumble."

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