The War Begins

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The family of four heard a screeching sound. The familiar vortex opened in the air above them as Chāyā flew out, singing merrily. The phoenix song was enough to raise the spirits of not only the palace residents, but of everyone in Sowilo City as well.

"Hey girl," whispered Harry as he gently stroked the creature's dark feathers. Chāyā trilled happily as she situated herself next to the comatose form of James Potter.

"What is she doing?" asked Daphne in surprise.

"She's been doing that five times a day since the attack," Belladonna replied. "I'm not sure why."

The family watched with rapt attention as the royal phoenix cried into boy's open mouth. A few minutes later, she started singing.

Daphne untangled herself from her husband's arms and kneeled down before her youngest son. She placed a hand on his little body and her eyes widened.

"Harry, call the healers."

He didn't waste time. Picking up the communication mirror, he informed the palace security team to contact the healers.

"Mum, what's going on?" asked Charlie.

"I think Chāyā has managed to reverse the effects of the chaotic magic that hindered Jamie's treatment," Daphne croaked out. "I never realised … how did I forget that phoenix tears and song have healing powers that are beyond our own?"

The royal phoenix continued to sing as the healer arrived in minutes. Waving his wand fluidly, he muttered under his breath as he tried to dispel the residual effects of the chaotic magic from James' system.

"Unbelievable," he muttered under his breath, smiling brightly. "My Lord, my Lady, your son's body has been decontaminated. I have cast the required spells to help him heal. The coma has lifted, but he is still asleep. He should be waking up soon."

Bowing with respect, the healer left, leaving them in their solitude. Daphne turned towards the majestic creature with tears of gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you," she whispered. The phoenix trilled and nuzzled its face against hers.

"Mum, Dad, look!" Charlie shouted excitedly. "Jamie's eyes are fluttering!"

Indeed they were. James' eyelids slowly opened, revealing his brilliant green orbs. It took several moments for him to adjust to his surroundings. To his right, he saw his father, beaming with happiness in a way he had never seen before. Charlie and Belladonna were grinning too. To his left, however, James saw the elation and pure joy etched upon the beautiful features of his mother's face.

"Mummy?" he croaked out.

The dam burst as Daphne Potter hugged her youngest son, pressing her lips to his face and kissing him tenderly, sobbing uncontrollably.

James smiled faintly, still quite weak, as he held his mother, trying to console her.

Harry hugged the twins closer, his face buried in his son's hair, sobbing quietly. Charlie and Bella were crying too.

Their family was whole again. They were complete. They had the strength to survive the war.


Two weeks later, Harry and Dylan were standing in the former's office in the Senate building, overlooking the layout of the beautiful city, surrounded by lakes and Himalayan Mountain peaks. From the altitude, the Chancellor could see the edge of the city fortress, where the members of the Department of Mysteries were charging the temporal runes.

"What is it?" asked Dylan softly.

"Do you think I'm mad to seek out the Muggles and try for peace before the war truly begins?"

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