Last Inspiring Quote

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Eventually, they stopped firing at us. Thank God they did. We got to the doctor about 5 minutes later. "If you want to sit down on the bench, you'd better do it now." "Shouldn't you be the one sitting? You've been shot in the chest. Why are you still so set on meeting my every need?" With a pain-filled sigh, he sat down and I knocked on the door. Thank God Jameson came in early. Jameson is Dr. Litchy's nephew. "Whoa! Cel, what.. who.. why?" "Jameson this is no time for questions, just let us in." After we got in Jameson carried my grandfather to an operating table across the hall. "Cel, he's lost sooo much blood. There's no way he's gonna make it. Even if the surgery was done perfectly, we'd never get him enough blood in time." "Please Jameson, please! You have to do this! He is my grandfather. Please just do it." He sent me to another room so I didn't have to watch, but the screams still scared me to the point of tears. When it was all over, Jameson walked out solemnly and depressed. "You better get in there Celène, he needs to tell you something. Hey, that's a nasty burn on your leg. Let me wrap that up real quick." As Jameson wrapped my leg in gauze and tape, I could hear the laboured breathing of my grandfather become slower and slower. He was done wrapping me up in about 2 minutes or so. I walked in slowly so I wouldn't be too loud. "Celène," "Yes grandfather? I'm here. Shhh shh shh. It's gonna be ok." "Celène, I'm so sorry. I wish I could come live with you and your father. I miss him so much." I was starting to get red. I could feel tears coming out. I had to sit down. I couldn't hold myself up anymore. I held his hand so tightly, I think it was hurting him. "Celène, it's alright. You worry too much, you know. You need to lighten up and let go." He raised my head. "You hear? Lighten up and let go. Free yourself from that cage," He was coughing so hardly. I thought his ribs were going to crack. "JAMESON! GET IN HERE NOW!" He ran in half in tears. "Celène, I told you it wasn't gonna work. You are too hard-headed! You never listen to anybody." "Celène." I dashed back to his side. "Free.. your-self. P-please, t-tell your father, that I-i-i l-love him. Make sure you... free.. yourself." With that, he died.

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