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A/N: kinda feel like i'm betraying bachisagi by writing this but I blame twitter for infecting my brain with this bachrin nonsense. oh well. it is what it is. 

Blue Lock had won the match against U-20 and Rin had won his long awaited battle with Sae, but he found he couldn't enjoy either.

It was only two days into the two week break, and his irritation and dissatisfaction were only growing. It wasn't good enough for Rin just to win. It was not a victory if Sae wouldn't admit his loss, and he was making it perfectly clear he wasn't planning on it.

It didn't help that he was staying at the house while he was also on some type of break between contracts. Rin kept running into him after turning a corner or walking into the kitchen to make breakfast, only to find Sae there, looking at him with his same holier than thou expression like he still had a chip on his shoulder and undeniable proof to back it up.

But he didn't, was the thing. He'd lost. He'd lost the match and in a fucking 1v1 against him. They both knew it. But he refused to admit it and refused to even show the slightest ounce of shame or knowing on his face. He'd even gone as far to pretend he was going to admit it, right after the match that was, before telling him that Isagi, the subpar player that somehow became somewhat useful during the last five minutes of the match, was the star striker Japan was able to turn out?

He'd said it just to fuck with him, Rin was sure of it. He hadn't meant it. He was just back to his childish condescending antics and refusal to acknowledge Rin. It was more infuriating now because they were older, and he was still acting the way they did when they were kids.

Rin thought about bringing it up himself. About saying, that was some match, hey? You know, the one where my team beat yours and I beat you? The one where I won and you lost because I'm better than you and you're the pathetic loser now? Sae wouldn't have any choice but to justify the loss and stumble over his words and Rin was pretty sure he could back him into a corner into admitting some type of defeat, but he didn't because he shouldn't have to. He'd won fair and square, and Sae should be able to just admit it.

Rin thought about it more than he cared to admit. He just kept mulling it over, unable to push it out of his head. He'd been waiting so long to best his brother in the sport they both loved, to prove he was wrong for leaving him behind and giving up on their dream and disregarding Rin's talent for so long, and this was such an anti-climactic, dissatisfying ending.

It was this that he was thinking about when he walked out of his room and into the hallway, almost barrelling right into Isagi Yoichi.

Rin had to do a double take, but it did confirm that the lukewarm striker was indeed standing here, not only in the middle of his hallway, but looking extremely surprised to find him standing there.

"Rin?" he asked, with even more surprise.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" Rin demanded.

"I invited him," Sae said, suddenly appearing in the hallway himself. Coming up from the main level. "Obviously."

The information in front of him, them coming upstairs together, how oddly nervous Isagi looked, didn't hit Rin right away. When it did, he thought, oh, so these are the lengths Sae will go to avoid admitting his defeat. He'll bring his precious little pet striker home to prove his bullshit post-match comment.

"Whatever," Rin said, refusing to show more than his baseline amount of annoyance. "Both of you fuck off, then."

"Fine," Sae said, taking Isagi by the arm. "Come on."

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