• Diluc •

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The tavern was empty, except for the two brothers. Kaeya held an empty glass in his hand as he scowled, listening to Diluc's blunt cursing at him.
"You Favonius scum... you say you're protecting Mondstadt, yet you're here in the tavern drinking your problems away."

Kaeya glared at the floor, his eye twitching.
"Diluc. If you didn't quit being a knight, then Y/N wouldn't have gone missing that night and we both know that. Stop yelling at me, you know I'd be out searching for her if I-"

Diluc's eyes widened and he slammed his fists down on to the table. His eyes were filled with fury that even the fatui itself would shudder.
"How dare you bring her up! You think I'd stay here working if I thought there were a chance of her being alive? Do you not realise how badly the guilt hits me every day that she's gone? I loved her. How fucking dare you." It wasn't like him to curse... nor have tears well up in his eyes like they were just then.

"You gave up on her, brother. She could be in pain right know, wondering where her boyfriend is to help her. What if the fatui have her captured? Even worse, the Abyss Order?!" Kaeya said. He was clutching his glass so tightly it wasn't far from smashing in his hand.

"Don't call me that. You are no brother to me. I searched for so long, and I found no trace whatsoever. It hurts, but-"
Before Diluc could finish his sentence, a Mondstadt guard burst through the door, out of breath.

"Captain Kaeya, Master Diluc. We found her. Alive."

Diluc and Kaeya made eye contact for a second, before they got up immediately.


You were sitting on a bed in the upstairs of the Knights of Favonius headquarters, holding a warm cup of tea. Lisa had wrapped a soft blanket around your shoulders and left you be for a bit while she let the other staff know you'd been found.

"Y/N? It's really you."

You looked up from the floor and saw Kaeya stood by the door frame. You smiled faintly at him.
"Hi, Kaeya."

"I was almost worried you'd forgotten me. How are you feeling?" He asked, stepping into the room and taking a seat next to you.
"I feel... strange... it's weird to be back. Everyone is treating me like I'm a newborn baby."

He chuckled and nodded, lifting the blanket over your shoulders properly as it slid off.
"Sounds about right, Y/N. You've been gone a long time. I hope you don't mind me asking... where have you been?"

You stared down into your tea and huffed.
"Everyone's been thinking that, but you're the first to ask. It's a long story... but... not a pleasant one, I'm afraid."
He nodded and gave you a warm smile.
"Well, I'll be here whenever you want to talk about it.  You know, Diluc hasn't been the same without you. We're not... as close anymore."

As soon as you heard his name, you lifted your head and your eyes sparkled.
"Is he okay? Where is he?" You asked, almost spilling your drink. Kaeya simply laughed and stood up.

"I'll go get him, yeah? Take it easy, Y/N. It's good to have you back."


"Well...?" Diluc looked at Kaeya, pacing around the hallway nervously.

"She's different, that much is obvious. Poor girl looks so anxious now. But she remembers us, and she wants to see you. Go see her, Diluc." Kaeya replied with a smile.

Diluc nodded slowly and ran his hands through his hair.  "...Alright. Thank you, brother."

You leaned back against the soft pillows, taking in the warm atmosphere and the feeling of finally being able to relax. You closed your eyes and hummed.

"Y/N... darling..."

Your eyes shot open and you sat up. Upon meeting eyes with the redhead, you felt a warmth in your heart and your gaze softened.
"Diluc... I missed you so much." You said, feeling tears form in your eyes.

You quickly got up and ran into his arms, holding him so tightly that he might've suffocated right there. But he hugged you back.
"I missed you too, sweetheart... I'll never let you go again, I'm so so sorry." He whispered, holding you in his arms.

He smelled like wine, which told you a lot about what he'd been up to. He looked different after the years - his hair had grown so much longer, and it was so healthy.
"I love you." You mumbled into his shoulder, holding back your tears. He let out a sigh of relief and kissed your temple.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad... I love you more, Y/N, I adore you so much." He smiled into your hair, and that was a rare sight for everyone.

Unfortunately, Jean, Lisa, and Amber were at the door. Amber was holding a tray full of food - pancakes, berries, the lot. You smiled gratefully and wiped your tears away.
Jean smiled at the sight and gave you a warm smile.

"Welcome home, Y/N. And you too, Diluc."

Diluc furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Jean with a confused expression. He still had his arms wrapped around you.
"...What do you mean?"

"I haven't seen you smile so genuinely in such a long time, it's a nice sight." She said with a small laugh. Amber placed the tray down and took your hand - she wanted to see you eat so she'd know you were healthy.

Before she did, Diluc pressed his lips against yours.
"Mm. You're right. Welcome home, my love."

Lisa laughed and smirked at the redhead, who narrowed his eyes sarcastically before leaving the room to talk to Kaeya.

"Enjoy your food, Y/N! Me and Noelle made it for you! Klee and Rosaria picked the berries. A strange combo, but it was heartfelt~"

You laughed.
"Thank you, Amber. It looks delicious."

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