Chapter 10

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About two weeks later, in France, the Bellas and Chad arrived at their hotel. Chad saw Aubrey looking out the window feeling sad, and went to talk to her.

"You okay, babe?" Chad asked, concerned.

"Honestly...I'm rather bummed. I was really hoping I could get to see my dad, and to be totally honest, he never once got to see me perform with the Bellas. I really miss him," Aubrey said tearfully.

"Babe, I know how you feel. I miss my dad too. You know, he was actually deployed about a month before I met you that day at the Lodge," Chad reminded her.

"I never thought that day would change my life forever," Aubrey said, looking back.

"I know. I remember that phone conversation I had with him after I proposed to you. He told me he was very happy for me," Chad reminisced.

"Well, that's a good thing. I was really hoping my dad would be there to give me away at the wedding," Aubrey said.

"Not a day passes where you don't think about him?" Chad asked.

"Yeah. I also wrote to him when we got engaged. I just hope to see him again soon," Aubrey wished aloud.

"You know, if by some chance we do get to meet each other's fathers before this tour is over, it'd be a happy moment for both of us," Chad said.

"Yeah." Aubrey agreed. "How's your mom been coping since your dad's been away?"

"She's been seeing a therapist. Not a day goes by where she doesn't think about him. When I told my mom we were getting married - she was very happy for me. It was the first time I actually saw her smile since my dad enlisted," Chad said.

"You know, even if our dads aren't at our wedding, they'll still be there in spirit," Aubrey pointed out.

"And we'll always have each other no matter what. Come on, let's go find the rest of the Bellas," Chad said.

WARNING: The remainder of this chapter contains kidnapping and hostage situations.

Later that day, the Bellas and Chad, minus Beca and Amy, were sitting outside at a French Cafe.

"Bellas, a toast. They say home is where the heart is, but you guys are the homes my heart lives in," Chloe announced as the Bellas toasted.

"Excuse me, ladies. I'm gonna go look for a bathroom," Chad said as he got up to do so.

At that point, a Frenchman walked up.

"Excuse me, but are you the Bellas," he asked as the Bellas all responded yes.

"My name is Henri; Chicago sent me to take you to the USO reception," he reported.

"Reception? It's now?" Aubrey asked.

"Shouldn't we find our friends Beca and Amy first?" Chloe asked.

"Oh, they're already there. With Chicago," Henri said.

"Then let's not keep this handsome Frenchman waiting," Flo said.

"Hang on, ladies. I want to wait for Chad to come back," Aubrey said, trying to stop them.

"Just have him meet us there later," Henri suggested as the Bellas continued to head towards the van. Just as the group approached Henri's van, Chad came back and saw the van the Bellas got in. Unfortunately, he couldn't catch the van in time before it left. On the other hand, he noticed the van had dark-colored windows, which made him wonder if the van was a trap. So, he needed some help in order to know for sure.

After the van drove off, Chad noticed a local with a bicycle built for two and summoned him. "Excuse me, sir...can you give me a lift?" he asked the bicyclist.

"Where to?" the bicyclist asked.

"Follow that van!" Chad said.

"Why?" the bicyclist asked.

"I'll explain on the way. Let's go!" Chad said as they began to follow the van. It turned out to be a long ride.

As the Bellas continued singing, they were unaware of what was happening.

Thirty minutes later, they arrived at a nearby marina. The bicyclist stopped at a nearby corner so he and Chad would not be spotted.

Chad took out a pair of binoculars so he could see what was happening.

"Do you see anything?" the bicyclist asked.

"Not yet," Chad said just before he noticed the van being transported onto a boat. "I KNEW IT! I knew there was something suspicious about that van. I've got to go warn Beca and Amy. Sir, take me back!" he demanded, and they both headed back to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, Amy re-entered her room and noticed a pink bunny on her bed, just before Chad banged on the door.

"Coming!" Amy said as she opened the door to let Chad in.

"Amy, where's Beca?" Chad asked. "We have a situation!"

"I don't know. She's been gone for a while now," Amy said. "What's wrong?"

"I saw the other Bellas get into a dark-colored van. Based on the dark tinted windows, I sensed something suspicious. So I followed that van, and when I saw it being carried onto a boat, I knew at that point my suspicions were correct," Chad recapped.

"My father could've done this!" Amy thought as her phone rang.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hello, Patricia," Fergus, Amy's father, said.

"I told you we were through," Amy said.

"Well, there are some people here who think you should really reconsider," Fergus remarked as the Bellas being held hostage yelled for help.

"Amy, who is it?" Chad asked.

"It's my father. He's got the Bellas hostage on his yacht," Amy said.

"Put it on speaker," Chad demanded as Amy did so.

"Now you listen here, mister, if you don't let my fiance and her friends go, you are NEVER going to hear the end of it! Am I clear?!" Chad yelled.

"You clearly weren't with them, were ya?" Fergus asked.

"No, but I sure as heck saw the van," Chad retorted.

"You have one hour to come to the boat," Fergus said.

"Oh, we'll be seeing you WAY sooner than that," Chad swore as Amy hung up.

At that point, Beca walked into the room.

"Hey, Amy," Beca said.

"Beca, glad you're here. There's no time to waste; we got to hurry!" Chad exclaimed.

"Where?" Beca asked.

"We'll explain on the way. Let's go!" Chad urged.

"Wait, let me get a flashlight!" Amy said.

"Good call, it's after dark. Hurry!" Chad insisted as they exited the room.

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