Chapter 11

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At the marina, the three were fortunate enough to find a boat.

"Alright, ladies. Put these on," Chad instructed as he handed Beca and Amy orange vests. "Amy, let me see your flashlight," he said as Amy handed Chad the flashlight. "Alright, if we're going to find Fergus' yacht, we have to be able to see out at sea. It's going to be tough, but my dad raised me to be one tough cookie."

"Well, it's clear now why you and Aubrey seem to click," Beca said.

"I know, right?" Chad agreed as the boat they're on began to move

"Chad, why aren't we calling the police? Or Chicago?" Beca asked.

"Knowing how dangerous Amy's father is, he might run for cover if he knew the police were coming," Chad explained as they arrived at the yacht.

"Alright, ladies, you know what to do, right?" Chad asked as Beca and Amy gave him a thumbs up. "Okay, get up there and do what we came here to do. I'll be waiting right here for you and the rest of the Bellas."

While Amy went up top to create a giant distraction, Beca went to join the rest of the Bellas.

"Ten more minutes," Fergus said. "Where is that cocky one who yelled at me on the phone?"

"Cocky one?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah, the one with the fiance," Fergus elaborated.

"Chad's here?" Aubrey asked, relieved that she and the others were about to be rescued.

"You guys know what we should do?" Beca asked, unnoticed until the other Bellas turned around.

"Where did you come from?" Fergus asked. "You weren't here before."

"What do you mean? I've been here the whole time; you just didn't notice," Beca lied. "Anyway, if we only have 10 minutes left, let's use it doing something we love. Let's go out like Bellas and perform one more song."

As the Bellas began their rendition of "Toxic," they were unaware that Amy was preparing to blow up the yacht.

As the song ended, Amy jumped down from an overhead glass window.

"Freedom!" Amy yelled while blowing a fire extinguisher at Fergus and his men. The Bellas started to jump off the yacht, where Chad was waiting for them in the boat.

"Come on, ladies, let's go!" Chad yelled as they all boarded the boat. He waited for everyone to be accounted for before leaving.

"Is that everybody?" he asked while trying to take a headcount.

"Yeah, I think it is," Beca said.

"If we leave someone behind, I will totally regret it. Let's move!" Chad urged.

"You've been a naughty girl, Turnip Top!" Fergus yelled.

"And you've been an even naughtier man, Fergus! I hope you spend the rest of your life in a nice cold JAIL CELL!" Amy fired back.

Just as they were about to head back to shore, helicopters and police boats arrived.

The next morning, the Bellas and Chad made it back to shore.

"Amy's dad and his men have been arrested. I'll keep you updated," Chicago reported.

"Wow! What a night that was," Chad said.

"Yeah. Thank goodness you saw the van in time, or else we'd be goners," Aubrey said.

"Well, you know, my dad raised me to be one tough cookie, just like you. I knew there was something suspicious going on when Henri lured you all into that van," Chad explained.

"Well, I don't mean to be a downer, but if DJ Khaled doesn't pick us after what we went through, what are we doing with our lives?" Emily asked.

"Now that you mention it, Beca actually talked to him yesterday. Didn't you?" Chad said.

"Yeah. The thing is, DJ Khaled doesn't want the Bellas. He wants me as a solo act. But I declined because you guys are my family, and you don't walk away from family," Beca said.

"I think you should go for it," Chloe spoke up as the rest of the Bellas agreed.

"Well, if anything good came out of all of this, now that my dad's going to jail, I've got millions of dollars coming my way," Amy said, excited.

"Millions?" Aubrey asked.

"Yeah. At first, I thought about putting that money towards my own one-woman show, but hearing about your wedding gave me a better idea," Amy went on.

"And that is?" Chad asked.

"First thing I'm going to do is give a small percentage to help pay for your wedding. You don't have to pay me back since it'd be my wedding gift to you guys. After that, I plan to split what's left between all of us," Amy said.

"That's very generous of you, Amy," Aubrey said.

"It's no problem at all. So, what's left to finance?" Amy asked.

"Well, we've already paid for everything. Though as far as Aubrey's dress, the caterers, and the honeymoon, we put it on a credit card, and we'll have to pay it off eventually," Chad explained.

"Well, I could definitely help you pay off that credit card bill," Amy offered.

"Are you serious? That would be super amazing!" Aubrey enthused. Then her expression went soft and dreamy. "I just can't believe we're only two months away from being married," she marveled.

"You know, I was thinking: With that kind of a budget, we can finally afford a much bigger place to live," Beca thought.

"That'd be way better than the three of us being cramped in that small studio apartment,' Chloe agreed.

"If Amy's serious about sharing that big amount of money with us, then I could finally fly back to Guatemala and visit my family. They'd be so happy to see me," Flo happily thought.

"Cool beans," Lily spoke in a normal volume, shocking the other Bellas.

"You talk?" Beca asked, surprised.

"Satan has finally left my body. Hi, I'm Esther," she said.

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