A Dinner of Flames and Fury

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Azriel lands at the Autumn Court border, huffing out a breath and setting Gwyn down on her feet.

"Oh, come on. It's been years now, Az. You're still bitter at him even though everything was cleared up?"

His wings rustle a bit as he stretches. "We aren't each other's favorite person. We never will be, Gwyn."

"I'm not saying you have to be. But now you know that he never hurt Morrigan, and you know that everything he did was to survive. Much like your brother. Rhysand, hm?"

An indiscernible expression comes over his face as fast as it leaves. "He's still a prick."

"Maybe you're both just too easy to rile. At this point, it's not even hatred. You're both just miffed that you can banter as well as the other."

Az grunts and laces his fingers in hers, his shadows twirling around them as they near the newly rebuilt Forest House, passing by guards, who are used to seeing them by now.

"Neither of you are going away. He is my father, and you are my mate. You both love me. It's crazy to keep this running feud going forever and ever. Please, Az, please try to not be so volatile with him. You know he only finds it amusing."

"Why should I be the one to change?"

"Woah." She turns and steps in front of him, placing her palms on his chest and looking up at him. "Az, that is not what I meant, and you know it. I adore you. I love you as you are. I don't want you to change. All I was suggesting is that—"

He leans down and kisses her gently. "I know", he mutters. "I know. I'm sorry, Gwyn. I know what you meant. He just gets under my skin in ways I can't describe."

She hugs him tightly and lies her head on his chest, his shadows playing in the strands of her copper hair. "I don't like being in the middle. I like having a family again. You're a part of that family. I hate that this always turns out tense because of both of you. Two people I love very much, and it hurts me when you're at each other's throats. Why can't you just bury the hatchet? I will talk to him too. I see how this affects my grandmother too. She's had a hard life and I'm sure it brings back bad memories to see males so...so angry."

His eyes soften and he places a kiss to her forehead, wrapping his arms around her. "Alright...I'll try. To be the better male."

"Oi vey", she murmurs, rolling her eyes and grabbing his hand again as they resume walking. She strokes her thumb over his scars gently and lifts his hand to her kips, kissing the knuckles. "I love you, Azriel. Nothing my father could do or say will ever change that. I need you to know that. Nothing would ever ever make me turn against you. I don't want that to be a doubt in your head."

He takes a deep breath and nods. "I know that. Like I said he just...he infuriates me."

"Well, I think my grandma has been working on him too. So hopefully you'll both be more open to actual conversation tonight. There's a reason we do a family dinner once a month. Plus, uncle Lucien will be there and he is always a good mediator, right? I don't pick fights with Elain for that little incident years ago, do I?"

He blushes deeply and clears his throat. "No, you don't."

"Then there is no reason for you to pick one with my dad either. All the bad stuff and the miscommunication is over. It has been for years. We have all moved on and are finally happy."

"We are."

"Thank you. For coming. I know that...well...Autumn Court, and fire and stuff..."

"The Autumn Court people are not who burned me, Gwyn."

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