Chapter 20

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We've had a good run over the years. Individually, together and, and as a family. My love for you and the kids grows each and every day. Even though we had disagreements, they were never major or life-threatening. Raising the kids was a bit hectic since they were all different ages, but they were all good kids, maybe a few bad deeds here and there, but they weren't out doing drugs, getting locked up, or being in gangs.

Valentino was currently 22nd years old. He had grown into a fine young man, just like his dad. He was a brilliant kid, especially when it came to building and repairing things, whether they were cars or household items. I wasn't surprised that after he graduated from high school, he decided to attend college for architecture and trade school for mechanics. I'm not sure how he manages both, but I was very proud of him.

Nicolai, our second son, who is now 18 years old, recently graduated from high school and expressed a desire to take over my company when he reached the age of majority, so he's about to begin his business studies at the University of the West Indies. My heart melted the day he told me it was his dream. I never wanted to force my business on my children; instead, I wanted them to pursue their own interests. He'll make an excellent boss. He'd always had that bossy demeanour since he was a kid. He was also clever, understanding, patient, and an excellent leader.

The twin Alalia and Azalia 15 years, both currently in high school. They were the group's troublemakers, but it was never a serious issue, just pranks on their brothers, which I found hilarious and truly genius. Azalia was the quiet one, still very talkative but only when she was comfortable, whereas Alalia was very talkative and outgoing but protective of her sister. I can't tell you how many times you and I were called to school because she beat up kids who were either bullying her or Alalia. We were called up there as well for Alalia, but it was less.

We both decided to tell the kids about their biological parents, and their reactions genuinely shocked us. They accepted that they weren't biologically ours, but they asserted that we were still their true parents.

I recall finishing up some work in my office one day when I heard a soft knock. "Come in," I said, not taking my eyes away from the papers. "Daddy," two small voices called out, and I smiled, looking up. "Yes, my princesses."

They approach me slowly, an uncertain expression on their faces. I raised an eyebrow, curiously. "What's wrong?"

They both look at each other before looking back at me. "Can we visit our mom's grave today," Alalia spoke up.

"Of course, you can. Never be scared to ask." I advise, getting up. "Do you want both me and mom to come or one of us." I inquired as I pulled them both in a hug.

"Can both of you guys come?" they asked looking up at me. I smiled softly before nodding.

"Bobble head," I shouted across the hall. We waited for a while before I heard your footsteps coming towards the door.

"What?" you asked, laughing.

"The girls want to go today."

You composed yourself and turned to the girls. "Are you sure" you inquired. They both nodded and you place a kiss on both of their foreheads before nodded.

The drive to the cemetery was quiet but pleasant. We made our way towards the headstone, that was made from glass, with the name Rosetta Stem 1979-2004.

We backed away, allowing the girls to place a few flowers that we had picked up from a flower shop on our way here. The girls return to us after a while of speaking to their mom. "Thank you for bringing us here." Azalia said, pulling us into a hug. After a while, we separated, and Alalia approached us. "Even though we knew you aren't our biological parents, you are our true parents, and we loved you. Nothing will ever change that."

My throat burned as tears welled up in my eyes. I pulled them both into my arms, along with you. We stayed there for a long time, hugging each other before pulling apart. As we exited the cemetery, I turned my head towards the headstone before whispering a small thank you, and I swear I felt a hand caress my cheek.

Being 54 and you 52, watching our children experience life and make decisions was one of the best gifts God had given me, and I was eternally grateful.

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