A Perfect Mistake - Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


I woke up to the warm Californian sun streaming into my room through the crack in my curtains. I rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the sunlight and then reached for my brush on my bed side table to untangle the morning knots from my golden blonde, naturally wavy hair.

I pushed off my bed cover and walked over to the window to open the curtains fully. Gazing out I could see auburn coloured leaves falling from the trees and in the distance I saw a man sweeping them up. I kind of felt sorry for him, seeing as he was in a bad paying job and had to get up even earlier than me. But I saw the smile that was on his face as he was sweeping; it looked like he was dancing to a song that was coming in from his headphones. Seeing things like that really put a smile on my face. It shows that you can make something fun out of anything.

I watched for a few more seconds before stepping away from my window and headed to my en suite bathroom to get ready for school.

The coolness of the floor tiles made a shiver run down my spine as I walked over to the shower and turned it on. At the right temperature I stepped inside and let the warmth of the water wash over me, refreshing my skin and waking me up for the rest of the day.

I was excited for today; the girls and I were heading to the mall after cheer practise to get a good birthday present for my brother. I have some ideas but I really do hope the girls have some better ones because I want to get him the perfect gift, it will be our eighteenth so it's a pretty big deal.

I turned the shower off and got out, spending the next forty-five minutes getting ready for school.

Once I was done, I made my way downstairs to find Nathan and dad in the kitchen eating cereal. Now normally I would find this just like any other usual day but for some reason I knew something wasn't right. They were standing around straight as a plank with their bowls of cereals right by their faces. Now tell me if that isn't normal!

I gave them a weird look as I tried not to think too much about it. Sometimes I have to just ignore what happens in this family, I'll probably find out soon so it's not like I'm going to be wondering forever why my brother and dad are such freaks!

I tried to hide the slight smile that was creeping up on my face as I continued to watch them eat their bowl of cereal awkwardly. I got myself a bowl and stood around with them.

"So how are you-?" I asked, filling the silence but getting interrupted in the process.

"Nothing!" they both said in unison, they couldn't even listen to what I was asking.

Shaking my head in amusement, I finished my cereal and grabbed my bag, just in time for a beep of a car horn meaning that Ethan was here to pick me up.

I shouted a goodbye to my brother and dad as I left the house, letting them carry on doing whatever they were doing before I came downstairs. I think it was something to do with my birthday but I couldn't be too sure... they aren't the most normal people in the world.

Climbing into Ethan's car, I gave him a peck on the cheek. "Hey, how are you?"

"Perfect now." he said and I couldn't help but blush, he comes out with the sweetest things sometimes!

"Oh stop it!" I giggled. "Now do you have any ideas at all for Nathan's present? I'm hoping to get it tonight."

There was silence for a few minutes as he thought about it, I couldn't help but smile when I looked at his cute 'concentration' face. He was taking this seriously this time.

"Well he does film making stuff, right? Didn't you mention that he keeps on complaining about his camera messing up? Maybe you could get him a new camera."

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