A Perfect Mistake - Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


It's been a few days since going to the mall with Avery and Hailey and to be quite honest, nothing exciting has happened since. I've gotten on with school work, spent time with family and friends (and Ethan) and gone to cheer practice, which I've now begun creating a routine for that will hopefully be good enough to win at Nationals.

I began choreography the routine two days ago and played around with movements with Avery and Hailey. We would normally try figuring it out on the afternoons we didn't have practise. Like usual they understood everything I imagined in my head and tried out the majority of moves that we all knew we could pull off as a trio. There were a few stumbles and laughs when we couldn't get the momentum to do certain moves, like actually getting up into their hands for a throw. But that's when we knew we were getting tired.

Holly was actually there as well throughout that rehearsal with the three of us. She likes to feel a part of it, and she is, especially when she is currently working out designs for our team's outfits for Nationals. So far she's going with the mascot Bear across the chest and then thinking about using blue and the glittery silver material to go with. I have no idea how she manages to figure them out and then actually make them for everyone. Thankfully I think her best friend Jenny, who sits in rehearsals sometimes with Holly, helps her out.

As I was leaving the gymnasium, Holly touched me gently on the arm, "Don't forget about Friday night, yeah? Mum and Dad just wanted me to remind you of it."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" I smiled and squeezed her hand gently, as a hug would be too gross in my sweaty condition. We said our goodbyes and I went and had a shower because it was only half way through lunch break when we finished rehearsing. We all had a free period before lunch and I had this great idea that I wanted to try out so the girls and I decided to practise then instead of later on, meaning we could relax and spend time with our families instead.

As I was walking through the lime green hallway, (which was designed by the school to 'spice' up the area, however it seemed to be chosen and painted by a two year old), and out of nowhere appeared a Zara. "Cassie, I need to talk to you. In private." She whispered, sounding distressed.

I nodded and followed her onto a bench to the side of the corridor. "What's the matter Zara?"

"I need advice." She began, "Two weeks ago I hooked up with this stupid guy from the school across town... and now my period hasn't come. I don't know what to do Cassie!" She buried her head into her hands and just started shaking her head side to side like she was annoyed or disappointed with herself.

I put a hand on her back, "Alright, no need to worry. Have you been to see a doctor yet?"

"No..." She said as she looked up at me. "Damn, I can't believe I didn't think of that. Thank you Cassie! I'm really lucky I can come to you for advice, such a shame your mother didn't have someone to go to when she needed help..."

Did she just say what I think she did? She has the nerve to talk about my mom, let alone mention what happened to her? I guess she probably didn't even realise what she just said to me, most people don't, but that just isn't acceptable.

It all still get to me, it cuts deeper and deeper down inside of me and makes my blood feel like is boiling. It doesn't happen very much but for some reason it was happening right now. I just can't help myself, she has no right to say those things like she did

"Don't you dare talk about my mom like that!" I yelled as I stood up and slapped her across the face. I could hear the slap as the palm of my hand connected with her cheek with the one sweep of my arm. I was about to lunge at her, anger still there, but two arms enveloped around the middle section of my body and pulled me back into them. I tried fighting back but the guy spun me around to face him, it was Ethan's concerned face staring into mine. There was a pause before I wrapped my arms round his neck and hugged him deeply, tears escaped from my eyes as I cried into the crook of his neck.

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