feminine beauty

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When I see a woman in public, I can't help but admire their beauty. 

It makes me feel dizzy, knowing that this woman is effortlessly beautiful. 

It doesn't make me feel insecure or jealous, but it just makes me think. 

"I wonder if I can look as beautiful as this woman I am admiring."

I am admiring this woman like a statue in a museum, I wish I can touch and hold them, but the only thing I can do is stare, and just be amazed.

It pains me knowing that woman probably has worried about how she looks, double checking how she looks in the mirror every 10 minutes, asking someone if they look good in something or just simply disliking the way they look.

I'm not judging women who don't love the way they look. 

God knows how many times I have done those things.

It just pains me, that the woman I was admiring, will never know how I see her through my eyes.

That woman deserves to know how heavenly she is, if only I could tell her.



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